Modelling of porosity of geological medium using nonclassical theory of deformations

Authors: Kh.B. Aghayev (The Institute of Geology of National Academy of Siences of Azerbaijan, Azerbaijan, Baku)


Key words: non-classical linearized approach, moduli of elasticity of the third-order, porosity, two-dimensional models, velocity of elastic waves.

The article contains some elements of the calculation of the moduli of elasticity of the third-order on the base of non-classical linearized approach of the theory of elasticity on propagation of elastic waves in stressed media. Modeling of porosity of complex constructed geological medium using the moduli of elasticity of the third-order had been conducted on one- and two-dimensional thin-models, on velocities of shear and pressure waves, density, porosity and effective pressure. Models had been prepared on one of the areas in the South Caspian Basin on geophysical researches in the well, VSP and seismic profile 2D. The results of modeling create the real preconditions of the use of elastic moduli of the third-order for prediction of porosity and other physical parameters of the geological section on GIS data and multi-wave seismisity.

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