Evaluating the effectiveness of acid treatment in Turnaisian formation of Perm region

Authors: V.V. Poplygin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm), A.V. Davydova (OIL INDUSTRY Publishing House CJSC, RF, Moscow), N.V. Pronin (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan), D.Yu. Vankov (New Technologies - Service, RF, Samara), O.A. Nechaeva (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara), V.S. Noskov (Branch of TNK-BP Management Center of Expert Assistance and Technical Development of Upstream Operations in Tyumen, RF, Tyumen)
E-mail: poplygin@bk.ru
Key words: oil reservoir, well, productivity index, acidizing, debit, bottom hole

The article presents the results of the use of acidic composition of DN-9010 for the stimulation of oil wells in the turnejskih deposits in deposits of Perm region. Authors assessed the impact of technological and geophysical parameters of layers on the success of the acid treatments, by comparing the rates of productivity and production wells before and after acid treatment. When the watercut increases and bottomhole pressure decreases the effectiveness of acid treatment decreases. With the growing volume of acid solution pumped per unit effective oil-acid, performance impact is increasing. Equation for predicting the coefficient obtained productivity wells after the acid treatment. 

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