Experience in the use of domestic software for obtaining a depth-velocity model of the environment in complex seismic and geological conditions for one of the sites of the Saratov region

UDK: 550.834.05(26)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2023-6-20-23
Key words: : seismic data processing, depth-velocity model (DVM), pre-stack depth migration (PSDM), domestic software
Authors: K.S. Reityukhov (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), A.V. Shamanov (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), A.M. Zakharkin (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), A.P. Lopatin (Orenburgneft JSC, RF, Buzuluk), I.A. Kurashov (Orenburgneft JSC, RF, Buzuluk), E.A. Davydova (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), M.A. Samarkin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow)

The study of the Earth's sedimentary cover by seismic exploration at depth of 6-10 km, in the conditions of salt-dome tectonics, is non-trivial task. Technical capabilities for excitation and registration of seismic signal in land seismic exploration are limited because salt deposits are characterized by the powerful absorbing properties. This makes it difficult to study the sedimentary strata of rocks under many kilometers of salt domes. Therefore, in order to successfully solve the set geological tasks, it is important to correctly select optimal processing sequence of available seismic data. With help of one of domestic software processing on the example of area with salt-dome tectonics, the article discusses the main steps for building a depth-velocity model. As is known, the processing and interpretation of seismic data involve the solution of an inverse kinematic task. Since the hodographs of reflected waves cannot be accurately described by hyperbola under conditions of complex geological subsurfaces, the data are summed out of phase, which makes it difficult to determine the time. Under these conditions, the sequence of procedures, known as the standard time processing graph, which assumes the hyperbolicity of the hodographs, does not allow solving the inverse kinematic task with the required accuracy. Therefore, it was decided to use a sequence divided into two main stages. The first is preprocessing (signal processing with maximum preservation of the original wave field and the shape of the hodographs). The second is the construction of an image of the subsurfaces (depth-velocity model by the method of kinematic-dynamic transformation and migration of seismic data in the deep domain). It is shown that the use of this approach to build a processing graph made it possible to obtain a high-quality seismic image of the subsurfaces and successfully to solve the geological tasks in one of the licensed areas of Orenburgneft JSC in Saratov Region.


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