Prerequisites for the application of predictive analytics method to assess the metrological performances of turbine flow transducers

UDK: 622.692.4–192
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-12-148-152
Key words: reliability, predictive analytics, turbine flow transducer, failure, metrological performance
Authors: I.V. Buyanov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The article concentrated on the relevant issue of ensuring the reliability of turbine flow transducers (TFT), used to determine the volumetric flow rate as part of crude quality control systems (CQCS). As the author notes, the reliability, especially its numerical indicators, shall be considered separately for each homogeneous group of equipment, including measuring instruments, which have their own functional and technological features. Separate attention is given to crucial factors that must be considered when determining the metrological reliability of not only TFT but also of any other measuring instruments that are subject to the measurement of metrological performances over time and methods for monitoring the metrologically sound order of TFT. The research included an analysis of the application of the predictive analytics method in mechanical engineering for monitoring of the technical and metrological state of equipment. Software has been developed using Python and an algorithm for determining the volumetric flow rate in the system for collecting and processing information in the CQCS depending on the values of the Reynolds number, which makes it possible to early detect the occurrence of a metrological failure of the TFT. The data on the results of verification and metrological performances control of 60 TFT running on oil with different rheological properties over the past 5 years were analyzed. The conducted research showed that the application of the algorithm will allow to: reduce the risk of emergency situations and termination of accounting operations in the CQCS; reduce the duration of forced downtime of the CQCS or reduce them completely to zero; obtain reliable data on the performance of the TFT, which makes it possible to predict the residual life of parts and assemblies (the operating time before the limit state), etc.


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