Characteristic of cracks detection during ultrasonic testing of weld joints of vertical stock tanks’ wall

UDK: 622.692.23-027.45
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-1-86-91
Key words: diagnostics of tanks, weld joints, longitudinal and transverse cracks, ultrasonic testing, sensitivity, sounding directions
Authors: N.P. Aleshin (Welding and Testing Scientific-Educational Center, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, RF, Moscow), L.Yu. Mogilner (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), Yu.V. Lisin, N.V. Krysko (Welding and Testing Scientific-Educational Center, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, RF, Moscow), O.A. Prydein (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), M.T. Idrisov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The issues of detecting defects of weld joints of the vertical stock tank (VST) wall for storing oil and oil products when diagnosing their technical condition have been considered. It is noted that earlier the main method of quality control of weld joints during construction was radiography, which requires double-sided access to the weld joint. The use of this method is limited in case of complete diagnostics and is generally impossible in case of partial diagnostics without emptying and stripping of VST. Therefore, now, ultrasonic testing takes an essential place in the composition of the examination methods being applied, including availability of one-sided and double-sided access to the controlled object. The advantages and limitations of ultrasonic testing of VST wall have been specified. The problems arising when using the ultrasonic testing to detect the most dangerous defects of surface and subsurface cracks in weld joints have been noted.  The possibilities of up-to-date ultrasonic technologies for visualizing such cracks with partial and complete diagnostics have been considered. The feasibility of adjusting the sensitivity and some other parameters of ultrasonic testing to increase the detectability of near-surface cracks has been noted. The characteristics of detecting longitudinal and transverse cracks in straight sections of butt weld joints and in the cross lines of vertical and horizontal weld joints of VST wall have been described. It is specified that in order to minimize the testing cost it is necessary to take particular care over choosing the direction and step of scanning. For longitudinal cracks in weld joints detecting, it is recommended to orient ultrasonic transducers perpendicular to the weld axis, and for detecting transverse cracks - at an acute angle to this axis.

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