Experience in implementing deep and ultra deep well designs for reference and parametric drilling

UDK: 622.24.023.2
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-9-96-101
Key words: reference drilling, parametric drilling, deep and ultra-deep wells, well designs, geological conditions, geological-geophysical research, grouting solution, buffer fluids, structural displacement mode
Authors: Ya.M. Kurbanov (Tyumen Industrial University, RF, Tyumen), Ye.Ya. Oxenoid (NovTekhServis LLC, RF, Tyumen), F.A. Agzamov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), N.A. Cheremisina (NovTekhServis LLC, RF, Tyumen

Despite the availability of modern remote technologies and geological and geophysical methods for studying the Earth, the well remains the only tool for objective study of the earth's crust and a channel for extracting deep minerals. Deep and ultra-deep wells in Russia and in some foreign countries typically are drilled to perform complex regional geological and geophysical studies, including the study of the geological structure of major geostructural interpretation of the elements of the earth's crust, determining the general laws of accumulation, as well as to study geological-geophysical characteristics of the section and assessment of prospects of ore and petroleum potential and identify promising areas for prospecting. In order to select the most promising areas for regional exploration, complex geological and geophysical, technical and technological studies and special work under complex thermobaric conditions and in depths not previously explored should be carried out in reference and parametric wells. In this regard, there are a number of special requirements for the well, its wiring technology, drilling fluids, cement mortar-stone, as well as in general - the reliability and manufacturability of the design of the created object.

The article discusses the issues of creating optimal structures and high-quality support of wells when cementing casing columns of various sizes and purposes for solving problems of support-parametric drilling. The features of their cementing are considered, the compositions of grouting solutions and process fluids used for cementing casing columns in complex thermobaric conditions are analyzed. Many years of experience in fixing casing strings in complex, previously undeveloped depths, based on technological, analytical and research work, is the most important scientific and technical result, the replication of which has significantly improved the quality of design and implementation of structures of deep wells for various purposes in extreme, previously unknown, conditions.


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