Since 01.01.2016, new Classification of oil and gas reserves and resources and accompanying regulatory documents – Regulations for development and for design of development of oil and gas fields – has become obligatory and fundamental in Russian petroleum subsurface management. In addition to these documents, Temporary guidelines for calculation of mobile oil reserves in fractured and fractured-porous shale-type reservoirs have been recently published. Previously, authors of the paper, both by themselves and together with associates, pointed out the flaws of the new classification and the accompanying documents, which, in the end, were left uncounted. In the Temporary guidelines they are also ignored, and other defects have appeared.
The paper underlines that industry is not ready methodologically and technically for transition of shale resources to the category of 'geologic reserves' (hydrocarbons-in-place in traditional sense). More realistic alternative is provided by 'non-pay' hydrocarbons ('non-pay' reserves) at developed fields. Deficiencies in methodology and technologies of oil and gas field development attributed to not taking 'non-pay' hydrocarbons into account are discussed. Examples are given demonstrating potential of taking 'non-pay' reserves into consideration on the basis of Effective Pore Space concept in the development of petroleum fields with hard-to-recover hydrocarbons. Necessity for criterion of field development rationality in addition to criterion of field development efficiency is highlighted.
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