Integrated modeling tool to optimize development on Roman Trebs oilfield in case of SWAG injection technology

UDK: 622.276.1/.4.001.57
Key words: integrated modeling, optimization, oilfield development, SWAG injection technology
Authors: D.V. Efimov, A.G. Lutfurakhmanov, P.V. Vinogradov (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), A.V. Zaynulin (Bashneft PJSC, RF, Ufa), V.I. Savichev (Bashneft-Polyus LLC, RF, Ufa)

This paper is devoted to development of integrated modeling tool for Roman Trebs oilfield. Realization of SWAG injection technology on this field causes a series of technical and technological problems. Some of them are forecasting of oil, water, gas production rates, forecasting of water, gas injection rates, and determination of loads on elements of surface facilities. Material flow motion in the field is characterized by conjugation and cyclicality, i.e. production rates affect injection rates which in their turn govern filtration processes in a reservoir. These features of considered object are reflected in the developed integrated model of the field. The paper describes the methods for calculation of various elements in computation scheme. Some of these algorithms have been modified to improve the accuracy of the calculations. The solution to the problem of history matching or calibrating the model against the actual data is also discussed.


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