Lithofacies and geochemistry criteria of hydrocarbons bedding into the Pokur suite in Tomsk region (part 2)

Authors: I.A. Melnik, S.V. Zimina, O.D. Eliseeva, K.U. Smirnova (Tomsk Branch of the Siberian Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, RF, Tomsk), N.A. Shenberger (Siberian Institute of Geology, Geophysics and Mineral Resources, RF, Novosibirsk)

Key words: lithofacies analysis, well logging, low-resistance collector, hydrocarbons, fluid migration, paleosalinity, the Pokur suite, pyrite, boron geochemistry

The Pokur sediments in Tomsk region were researched for their oil and gas saturation. The researches were based on the traditional complex lithofacies analysis and innovative statistical interpretation of well logging data. Lithofacies and geochemical criteria of hydrocarbons bedding were identified. Perspective areas were localized. Potentially oil bearing area is presented by regressive sea sediments associated with lower bench of the Pokur suite.
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