Planning, execution, and interpretation of results of pilot operations on Russkoye heavy oil field Part 2

Authors: S.V. Tulenkov, D.S. Machekhin , K.V. Vologdsky, L.A. Gaidukov (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.E. Rodionov, E.V. Severinov (ROSPAN INTERNATIONAL CJSC, RF, New Urengoy)

Key words: well testing, heavy oil, fiber optic systems, unconsolidated reservoir, downhole sensors, metrology, geomechanics.

The main results of pilot operations on Russkoye Field during 2010 – 2013 are given. The article presents a description of the features of well test interpretation in such complex geological and physical conditions: inability to achieve late radial flow, lengthy borehole impact, changes in the state of near-wellbore zone and horizontal borehole during studies, complex geomechanical and borehole effects, and formation of man-induced channels of primary flow. The authors propose approaches to planning, execution, and interpretation of complex studies allowing to obtain the maximum information to support further development.

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