The development of mathematical tools for ecological safe of atmosfere on the drilling well area

Authors: L.E. Shkitsa, T.M. Yatsyshyn (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk), A.A. Popov (European University, Ukraine, Kiev), V.A. Artemchuk (Pukhov Institute for Modeling in Energy Engineering, Ukraine, Kiev)

Key words: pump-circulating, drilling fluid, evaporation, pollution of atmosphere, environmental safety of atmosphere.

This article presents the developed mathematical models of the pollutants extension on the surface layer from the line and area sources that allow the predict pollution of the atmosphere.

Based on the model example in the software Matlab 7 possible applications of models for calculating concentrations of the components of the drilling fluid evaporating from different parts of the drill: the surface of elevated drill pipe and ditch system - line sources, sludge pits drive - area sources. The developed models are an effective tool to support decision making on the problems of environmental safety of the atmosphere.
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