Features of formation of oil deposits in the Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Eastern Stavropol Territory

Authors: L.G. Stulov, A.A. Paporotnaya (Rosneft – NTC LLC, RF, Krasnodar)
E-mail: lgstulov@rn-ntc.ru, aapaporotnaya@rn-ntc.ru

Key words: oil, Upper Cretaceous deposits, the pressure of water, reservoir.

The characteristic of oil productive complexes of Eastern Stavropol Territory  are given. Two main groups are significantly different from each other. This fact indicates the presence of two sources of hydrocarbon generation. The authors characterized the change of water pressures in the sequence of Mesozoic sediments. Water heads of water falling from the Paleogene reservoir until I stratum alba, from top to bottom. Next, the section water heads waters begin to rise. On the basis of the research the article presents the mechanism of formation of oil deposits in the Upper Cretaceous.

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