The effect of water phase content and salinity on the rheological properties of water-in-crude oil emulsions

Authors: E.V. Kirbizhekova, I.V. Prozorova, N.V. Yudina (Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Tomsk), N.Yu. Margolis (National Researche Tomsk State University, RF, Tomsk)

Key words: water-in-crude oil emulsion, dispersion, viscosity, thixotropy.


There are many oil fields that have come in advanced stage of development. The water presence in the oil leads to formation of water–in-crude oil emulsions. These emulsions can be very stable as a result of presence of polar components such as asphaltenes and resins. In this study the influence of water cut and salinity on the disperse and rheological characteristics of water-in-crude oil emulsions is investigated experimentally. The correlation between the droplet size and emulsion viscosity is established. It is found, that an increased water cut gives rise to growth of thixotropic properties and dispersed system structuring. In addition it is shown that emulsion stability decreases with increasing water phase salinity. The obtained data can be used in the implementation and prediction processes of production, collection and transportation of emulsion mixtures based on heavy paraffinic oils rich 

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