Using belt scimmers for collecting oil from wastewater and industrial circulating liquids

Authors: Yu.V. Isachenko (Aganneftegazgeologia MPK OJSC, RF, Nizhnevartovsk)
Key words: industrial skimmers, oil skimmer, wastewater treatment, belt skimmer.
Current situation in industrial wastewater treatment is considered. The article presents belt skimmers applications for collecting oil from wastewater, and industrial circulating liquids, as well as coolants. Types, properties and advantages of oil skimmers are described.


1. Government Decree of 10.04.2013 no. 317 “Ob utverzhdenii

Polozheniya o plane snizheniya sbrosov zagryaznyayushchikh veshchestv,

inykh veshchestv i mikroorganizmov v poverkhnostnye vodnye

ob"ekty, podzemnye vodnye ob"ekty i na vodosbornye ploshchadi”

(On Approval of the Regulations on reducing discharges of pollutants

and other substances and micro-organisms in the surface water, underground

water bodies and watersheds).

2. Federal Law no. 416-FZ of 07.12.2011. “O vodosnabzhenii i vodootvedenii”

(On the Water Supply and Sanitation) with additions from


3. Stakhov E.A., Ochistka neftesoderzhashchikh stochnykh vod predpriyatiy

khraneniya i transporta nefteproduktov (Cleaning oily waste

water of enterprise storage and transportation of petroleum products),

Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1983.

4. About oil skimming, URL:

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