Multi-phase flow metering in oil & gas production with the use of new generation metering unit based on the сoriolis flow meter

Authors: M. Henry, M. Tombs (University of Oxford, UK, Oxford), R. Casimiro (Invensys Operations Management, USA, Foxboro), A.G. Lepikhin (Invensys Operations Management, RF, Moscow), A.N. Lischuk (HMS Group Management Ltd., RF, Moscow), A.A. Efimov (HMS Neftemash plc (HMS Group), RF, Tyumen)

Key words: measurement of oil, water and gas flow, measurement of water-cut, oil well production metering, сoriolis flow meter, metering unit.

This paper describes Net Oil & Gas, the multi-phase metering system combining Foxboro сoriolis mass flow metering with a water-cut measurement to provide separate measurements of oil, water and gas flow as well as MERA-MFR unit developed on the basis of that system for oil well production and exploration rate metering.


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