Key aspects of the geology and development of terrigenous fractured porous reservoirs of Western Siberia

Authors: A.S. Chinarov, k.t.n, D.E. Zagranovskaya, R.A. Rybakov, I.G. Shabakaev, A.E. Simakov, O.A. Stepanova (Gazpromneft NTC LLC)

Key words: field development, coupled clusters, fracturing, decompactification, “small” tectonics.

The development of tectonic deformation attended by decompactification zones and “small” tectonics is the special feature of geology aspects of sedimentary cover of many West Siberia fields.

During the detailed seismic investigations was found out that fault lines became strike-slip zones formed by submeridional strike of different amplitude faults that influenced reservoir formation and oil-and-gas content.

The actual material and the field data show that the diagenetic porosity, that should be considered for the well placement and the field development system, in the terrigenous reservoirs of West Siberia oil fields is developed.


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