Optimizing pump stations operation during power system maximum demands

UDK: 622.276.012:621.311.003
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-7-61-65
Key words: pump station, energy input, demand charge, optimization of pump station operation
Authors: S.A. Sobolev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), R.B. Fattakhov (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma), A.A. Arsentyev (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma)

The paper discusses optimal operation of pump stations during periods of peak demands with a view to power reduction. The energy suppliers establish control intervals of generator and network power with increased charges in the electricity tariff. Power consumption governing is realized through a number of administrative and operational activities. These include change of pumps scheduling during minimum tariffs’ periods (night working hours, days-off and holidays) and shutdowns during control intervals. Various factors responsible for maximum shutdown period are considered: pump excess capacity, fluid volumes, well operation modes, etc. If necessary, relevant actions are undertaken to extend shutdown periods. The shutdown periods of each pump station are distributed over the control periods’ hours. Then, general shutdown schedules separately for tank farms, treatment facilities, oil production units, fields, and the Company are prepared. Maximum power reduction is provided for the control intervals of generator power having the highest electricity tariffs. Considering that the Company operates several dozens of pump stations, the process is rather time-consuming with a variety of solutions. The task is further complicated by the fact that the control intervals of generator power differ in the probability of occurrence – high, medium, and low. The analysis of the facilities’ scheduling process showed that the task can be algorithmized to create a scheduling software. One of the two offered algorithms was used for the software engineering. For each pump station, the software program calculates possible scenarios of shutdown distribution over the control intervals and analyzes the cost efficiency. The output results are the facilities’ schedules and summary tables of hourly breakdowns of power inputs. Improvement of the activities’ efficiency is achieved by walk through different scenarios of pump stations operation and shutdown during control hours.


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