Transformation of the renewable energy sector: growth factors

UDK: 620.92
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-6-110-112
Key words: sustainable development, renewable energy sources, solar and wind generation, decarbonization
Authors: L.D. Petrenko (Industrial University of Tyumen, RF, Tyumen)

The driver of the transition to socio-economic development, taking into account environmental constraints, is the satisfaction of people needs for cheap, reliable, safe and environmentally friendly energy sources. In the context of the need to increase the level of decarbonization of the world economies, the expansion of the use of alternative energy is becoming the main climate agenda and requires transformations of the global energy sector. The article substantiates the necessity and identifies the factors of the development of the renewable energy sector, characterized by the presence of stimulating trends and increasing demand from economic systems of various levels. The study is based on specific data reflecting trends in the development of global energy, for the processing of which comparative analysis methods were used. The conducted studies have revealed a number of factors that ensure a large-scale increase in the alternative energy sector, which include: achieving comparability of prices and indicators of its efficiency in comparison with traditional sources, ensuring a balanced load on the power grid, as well as the large-scale introduction of innovative technologies. In addition, there was an increase in the interest of a wide range of consumers in the implementation of the processes of decarbonization of the economy, price reduction and uninterrupted supply of "clean" electricity, providing the renewable energy sector with further expansion within the framework of the structure of the world energy balance. The renewable energy sector has practical significance and implications for society, taking into account the development of civilization within the human-centered trajectory and the need to solve socio-ecological and economic problems facing it, and can be used in the process of developing and implementing a sustainable development strategy in the "green" trend.


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