Problems of transformation of hydrocarbon reserves into an unprofitable technogenic hard-to-recover reserves category

UDK: 622.276.1/.4:553.98.04
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-4-38-43
Key words: unprofitable technogenic hard-to-recover reserves, oil recovery, waterflooding, tax incentives, dynamics of discriminants for oil and water
Authors: A.Kh. Shakhverdiev (Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting, RF, Moscow), S.V. Arefyev (LUKOIL-Western Siberia LLC, RF, Kogalym), A.V. Davydov (State Commission on Mineral Resources, RF, Moscow)

Solving the problems of rational development and operation of oil fields, enhanced (EOR) and improved oil recovery (IOR), including the recovery of unprofitable natural and production induced hard-to-recover reserves of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons will long-term a significant and relevant objective. Scientists and experts in petroleum production, not only in the oil and gas industry, show great interest in the problems that cause conflicts between the owner of the subsoil and subsoil users or investors, in order to choose the optimal option of tax preferences for the maximize the oil production from unprofitable hard-to-recover reserves.

The article provides a brief chronology of the development of the oil and gas industry in the context of the evolution of new production, EOR and IOR methods, as well as the gradual transition from the development of conventional “active” to hard-to-recover reserves. The authors discuss topical problems of the oil fields development with unprofitable natural and technogenic hard-to-recover reserves of liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons. A new definition is proposed for unprofitable natural and production induced hard-to-recovery reserves; a new solution is given for predicting water breakthrough under conditions of instability of the of oil displacement front. It points out the shortcomings of the current Tax Code provisions regarding the justified methodology of geological and technological parameters for selecting unprofitable man-made hard-to-recovery reserves, and suggests ways to improve the necessary solutions. It is noted that the dealing with negative consequences of the reservoir and injected water impact on the mobility of non-stationary waterflooding and the resulting oil immobility and also impact on the process of field development in general is noted. The expediency of creating of EOR/IOR innovative technologies for depleted fields and successful application at development sites is shown, which requires tax preferences for creators of scientific and technical products. Thus, it has been shown that the development of unprofitable natural and man-made unprofitable hard-to-recover reserves is an urgent, demanded and long-term task, the solution of which requires a systematic approach that ensures the harmonization of geological, technological, economic and regulatory parameters and indicators to justify the choice of objects falling under the benefits and assess the expected effect.


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