Intensification of oil production with a decrease in the volume of the liquid being lifted

UDK: 622.276.64
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-12-107-109
Key words: water cut, water to oil factor, additional oil production, unproductive energy costs
Authors: R.N. Fakhretdinov (Multifunctional Company ChemServiceEngineering LLC, RF, Moscow), A.A. Fatkullin (Multifunctional Company ChemServiceEngineering LLC, RF, Moscow), A.Ya. Khavkin (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

When developing oil fields, the main influence on the efficiency of flooding is provided by the breakthrough of water to the producing wells from the injection wells. Among the main reasons for the active water breakthrough are the heterogeneity of the reservoir, the high viscosity of oil, reservoir physico-chemical phenomena. Stopping wells due to high water cut violates the design decisions for the development of the field and reduces oil production. The intensification of oil production with a decrease in the volume of lifted water (and hence liquid) is an important industrial and economic industry task.

Based on the reagents of the AC-CSE-1313 series, the water control technologies for injection and production wells have been developed and tested under field conditions. These technologies are aimed at improving oil production while reducing the water content of products (volumes of liquid being lifted), which, when used massively, reduce industry costs by several billion dollars per year. The technological effect when using technology for injection wells based on reagent AC-CSE-1313 grade B is on average 800-1500 tons of additional oil produced per treated well. The use of technology for production wells based on the AC-CSE-13 grade A reagent allows to reduce the fluid flow rate of producing wells by more than 40% while maintaining or increasing (5-9%) the oil flow rate.


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