Technology for intensification of fresh groundwater extraction for technological processes of oil and gas production

UDK: 622.276.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-8-89-93
Key words: groundwater intakes, reservoir pressure maintenance, flow rate, colmatage, mathematical model, elastic vibrations, vibrator
Authors: M.V. Omelianyuk (Kuban State Technological University, RF, Armavir)

At the facilities of the oil and gas industry, underground water intakes are used for drinking, household, fire-fighting water supply, as well as for providing reservoir pressure maintenance systems, especially in the conditions of the Far North, when the use of surface water sources is difficult. According to statistical data, over the 10 years of operation, the flow rate decreases several times as a result of physical, chemical and biological colmatage. To solve this problem, a technology of high-pressure wave intensification of well flow rates in depression conditions has been developed, which ensures the removal of the products of aquifer dissociation at the wellhead, sparing cleaning of the filter zone, the sump and the entire wellbore. From the point of view of ensuring energy efficiency, the technology of low-pressure wave intensification of well flows, for shallow wells, is proposed due to the realized developed cavitation outflow and its accompanying secondary effects. When performing the work, probabilistic and statistical methods of processing the initial field information and experimental methods for studying the effect of vibration with different amplitude-frequency characteristics on rocks were used. Numerical simulation of turbulent submerged jets was performed using the STAR-CCM+ software package (CFD modeling). The optimal design parameters of axisymmetric cavitation generators of various designs were determined. The results provide satisfactory convergence with the experimental data.

The novelty and uniqueness of the developed technological solutions is confirmed by the patents of the Russian Federation for inventions. Practical testing was carried out on more than 500 wells for drinking, economic and fire-fighting purposes in the Krasnodar, Stavropol and Perm territories, Rostov, Astrakhan, Saratov regions, Khanty-Mansiysk Yamalo-Nenets autonomous districts, and other regions of the Russian Federation. The success rate of treatments exceeds 95%, the minimum increase in the flow rate after treatments is 30-50%, the maximum recorded is 7800%. The effect is long-term.


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