Experience and achievements of mobile free water knock out

UDK: 622.692.1
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-3-110-112
Key words: mobile complex, technology, free water knock out, project, modular equipment
Authors: A.I. Utarbaev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), I.V. Dorovskikh (AETC Sapphire LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), V.A. Bulatov (AETC Sapphire LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), I.P. Valov (AETC Sapphire LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), N.I. Guly (AETC Sapphire LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

The scientific article discusses the advantages of using modular equipment in the implementation of projects in the oil and gas industry. The technology of a mobile free water knock out is presented, which was developed by LLC AETC «Sapphire» within the framework of innovative activities of Rosneft Oil Company with the participation of specialists from the TomskNIPIneft Specialized Institute for Oil Field Development Technologies. The main task of the mobile free water knock out (MFWKO) is the primary preparation of the formation fluid directly at the field, near the well pad, while excluding the transport of ballast - produced water to the central processing and collection point. The developed solution is based on a unique technology that allows temporarily placing a set of equipment with the ability to quickly mount / dismantle and relocate to other facilities by road and rail. At the same time, technological equipment is placed in interconnected block-modules in the form of standard transport containers of full factory readiness using quick-disconnect couplings and flexible pipelines. The requirements for the placement of the complex are minimal; installation is carried out on a base of road slabs. MFWKO can be used both in the study of remote wells and wells during the trial operation, and in the development of small fields and fields at an early stage of the development. The scientific article presents the results of pilot industrial tests of the MFWKO, which were carried out at the site of Tyumenneftegas JSC in June 2020. The indicator of water and oil quality at the outlet from the MFWKO corresponded to the technical task, the design of the internal devices of the blocks ensured the implementation of the separation process for the preparation of oil and water, and a reserve for the productivity of the MFWKO was also ensured.


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