Innovative technologies for enhancing oil recovery and limiting gas and water inflow

UDK: 622.276.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2021-3-62-65
Key words: oil production, high-water wells, titanium coagulant, composition Reagent TK-2, Reagent TK-4, Reagent TK-10, increasing reservoirs sweep by flooding, conformance control, water/gas inflow shut-off
Authors: V.V. Mulyak (NVP Sovnefteprom Ltd., RF, Moscow), N.A. Veremko (NVP Sovnefteprom Ltd., RF, Moscow)

Development of heterogeneous reservoirs is accompanied by premature water-cutting of wells caused by water breaks through the most permeable layers, and is characterized by low reservoir sweep by the development and production of significant volumes of associated produced water with low-efficiency injection. To improve the efficiency of field development, technologies are used to regulate the coverage of reservoirs by flooding and water inflow shut-off. The standard procedures have a number of disadvantages, including a short period of technological effect. New generation thermotropic compositions based on titanium coagulant have been developed. The resulting gels are superior in structural and mechanical properties (viscosity and strength) to gels of analogous compositions. The composition of Reagent TK-2, used in procedures for increasing the coverage of reservoirs by flooding and leveling the pick-up profiles, is significantly superior in structural and mechanical properties (by 1.4–2.2 times) to the compositions of GALKA-S, THERMOGOS and RV-3P-1 MS, widely used in Western Siberia at reservoir temperatures of 70–98 °C, and the composition of Reagent TK-4 is superior to analogues developed for reservoirs with temperatures less than 60 °C. The results of field tests in injection wells indicate a higher technological efficiency. Additional oil production is more than 2 times higher than the efficiency parameters when using procedures-analogues. To gas and water inflow shut-off, the composition Reagent TK-10 was developed. Filtration studies have established that the resulting gels can withstand a pressure drop of about 4.5 MPa/m. The results of work on producing wells also confirmed the high inflow shut-off properties composition of Reagent TK-10. Geophysical studies have confirmed the absence of inflow from the watered interval of the formation. According to the results of the measures carried out, the production of liquid from the treated wells was reduced by 2.5–10 times while maintaining the oil flow rate. It is concluded the integrated application of measures to control reservoir sweep by flooding through injection wells and water inflow control into production wells, can significantly increase the technical and economic indicators of nature water-cut fields development.


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