The relation of exploration and petroleum potential of Domanic formation

UDK: 553.98.061.17
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2020-12-80-85
Key words: Domanic deposits, organic matter, generation potential, organic matter maturity, level of katagenesis, pyrolis data, quantity per unit of generated hydrocarbons
Authors: M.O. Belyaev (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), K.G. Skachek (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), Yu.G. Eremin (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), D.A. Shlygin (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), D.I. Kuranin (IGiRGI JSC, RF, Moscow), M.V. Mordvintsev (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), V.N. Minkaev (Bashneft PJSOC, RF, Ufa), S.S. Klimenko (Bashneft PJSOC, RF, Ufa)

Since the beginning of the geological researches, the Domaniс deposits of the Republic of Bashkortostan were considered as the main oil and gas producing strata with a high generational potential. But current level of Domanic formation study by the modern analytical methods still remains low. Sediments of the Domanic fomation (Semilukskian horizon) horizon enriched in a dispersed organic matter (DOM) (0.5–27.31 %).cover a large western part of the territory of the Bashkortostan. The cumulative analysis of the data of subsidiaries of Rosneft – RN-BashNIPIneft and IGiRGI on the level of DOM thermal maturity in the Domaniс formation within the Bashkortostan territory showed that the level of organic matter maturity in Devonian rocks, in general, is relatively low, both within the arched uplifts and at the biggest part of the territory of the Blagoveshchenskaya depression. According to the pyrolysis data and the values of Tmax for Upper Paleozoic domaniс-type deposits of most part the Bashkortostan territory levels of katagenesis of organic matter are noted – as the end of protokatagenesis (PK3) – the beginning of mesokatagenesis (MK1-2). The organic matter content and the level of katagenetic transformation have a direct affect to the generational potential. Quantity of hydrocarbons generated by the Domanic source rocks on the territory of Bashkortostan vary fr om 0.1 to 2 mln t/ km2. It was noted that the highest quantity of  generated hydrocarbons are observed in the MK1 and MK2 katagenesis zones in the Preduralskyi trough, wh ere the Domanic deposits are the most deeply submerged.

Based on the current degree of the knowledge of Domanic strata in the region, to the most perspective territories directed on the hydrocarbon exploration in Domanic horizon can be attributed the areas of the Blagoveshchensk depression, which has the highest TOC content, sufficient katagenetic maturity of the sediments – MK1 substage, maximum thicknesses of high-carbon deposits, and the areas of the eastern slope of the Bashkir arch, where, according to the results of wells tests, hydrocarbon inflows were obtained from the Domanic sediments.


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