Fluid dynamics of crude oil flow: the longer-term study of pressure losses in oil pipelines

UDK: 658.5:622.692.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-8-136-140
Key words: Darcy coefficient, flow friction, pressure losses, pipeline, wall roughness, hydraulic slope, Darcy – Weisbach equation, turbulent mode, laminar flow
Authors: S.E. Kutukov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), A.I. Golianov (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), O.V. Chetvertkova (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

The concept of conscious use of adaptive parameters when determining hydraulic losses in pipes originates from A. Darcy’s works. It was shown using the basis of the retrospective analysis of scientific works in the field of hydraulic calculation of pipelines of the XVIII-XX centuries. However, use of coefficient of the equivalent roughness as the universal adaptive parameter does not allow reducing to a reasonable minimum a divergence of estimated dependences with the experimental values of coefficients of hydraulic losses of oil pipelines. And even the increased computational capabilities of computer technology did not allow to improve the accuracy of hydraulic calculations performed according to the formulas of classical hydrodynamics. Without relying on the future success in the development of adequate multiphase models for oil and oil product pipelines, it is necessary to recognize the most effective adaptive approach to the assessment of hydraulic friction parameters according to the operation data from the technological site. It was shown that it is acceptable in this case to adapt the coefficients in the generalized Leibenson equation for the coefficient of hydraulic friction according to the operation of each specific oil pipeline. For further improvement of the technological calculations accuracy, it is necessary to use the methodology of multiphase fluid flow in the relief pipeline, taking into account the accumulation and migration of water and gas accumulations.

Generalization of the current trends in hydrodynamics study of oil flows in pipelines shows the basic opportunity to receive satisfactory convergence of settlement and actual friction losses (±10-15%) by solution of the inverse problems of fluidmechanics, applying adaptation algorithms in two parameters.

The examples received by data processing from technological sites of operating oil pipelines for equation types of Darcy – Weisbach and Leibenson are given.


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