Development of offshore hydrocarbon resources. Rational selection of floating drilling rigs

UDK: 622.24.085.5
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-8-67-69
Key words: offshore projects, floating drilling rigs, offshore wells construction, tender-assisted drilling platforms, rental rates
Authors: V.A. Shmelev (VolgogradNIPImorneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering LLC in Volgograd, RF, Volgograd), V.L. Gorshunov (LUKOIL-Kaliningradmorneft LLC, RF, Kaliningrad)

Development of offshore oil fields is one of the perspective areas for oil and gas companies. Performing offshore operations require significant means for the implementation of well construction projects. High cost of capital investment is one of the most important problems in the process of involving subsea deposits in the production of mineral resources.

The optimal methods of offshore drilling units considered in the article are based on the searching the compliance of the technical characteristics of drilling platforms with the geographical, metocean and climatic drilling conditions which determines the economic efficiency of offshore operations.

The authors have analyzed various options for drilling operations, including jack-ups, semi-submersible drilling rigs, as well as tender assist drilling units. Advantages and disadvantages of using various types of drilling units for wells construction at D33 field in the Baltic Sea have been addressed, the special aspects of tender assist drilling technologies used by foreign companies have been considered.

Actual approaches to the development of hydrocarbon resources on the shelf with use of modern floating drilling units make it possible not only to analyze the technical and economic efficiency of work, but also to estimate the possible drilling risks using different types of drilling platforms.


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