A study on the effectiveness of rim seals operation for external floating roof tanks

UDK: 621.642.075.4+ 621.642.86
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-4-102-106
Key words: external floating-roof tank, rim seal, mechanical shoe seal, shoe-mounted secondary seal, secondary seal gap, evaporation loss
Authors: R.Z. Gadelshin (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow)

Tank storage of volatile organic compounds in above ground tanks is associated with evaporation losses. To reduce product loss from the annular space between the floating roof and the tank shell, a rim seal, which usually includes primary and secondary seals, is used. Earlier studies have shown that secondary seal increases efficiency of reducing losses by mitigating wind flow effect. However, arising of gaps between the secondary seal and the wall during operation reduces the effectiveness and increases the loss. The U.S. EPA documents show that gap increasing between the secondary seal and the tank shell leads to evaporation losses growth up to three to six times. The causes of seal gaps emergences, as well as factors influencing gap increase, however, in previous studies are not given.

In the present paper the influence of operational factors and design features on the gap size between the secondary seal and the tank shell for external floating roof tank with a capacity of 50,000 m³ was evaluated, the causes of gaps were identified, and the method for secondary seal efficiency improving was proposed.

The studies took place with two existing tanks equipped with a primary mechanical shoe seal and shoe-mounted secondary seal. The following parameters were identified: the width of the gap between the floating roof and the tank shell, the width and the length of the gaps between the secondary seal and the tank shell at several liquid levels with subsequent determination of their area, the height of the excess weld metal of the vertical butt welds of the tank shell. It was established that rising of liquid level results in increasing the area of gaps between the secondary seal and the tank shell.

As indicated, the cause of formation of gaps is the insufficient ability of a secondary seal to change its length when filling and emptying the tank. In this article the principle of compatibility of secondary seal and the tank shell operation is formulated: to ensure continued contact between the secondary seal and the shell, the change in the diameter of the shell when filling and emptying the tank should lead to a corresponding change in the length of secondary seal.


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