Organizing the quality management system for the processes of prevention, localization and elimination of accidents at pipeline transport facilities

UDK: 658.5:622.692.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2019-2-106-111
Key words: localization and elimination of an accident and its consequences, main canalisation, modeling, hazardous production facility, industrial safety, process approach, oil/oil product spill, risk, quality management system
Authors: V.N. Slepnev (The Pipeline Transport Institute LLC, RF, Moscow), A.F. Maksimenko (Gubkin University, RF, Moscow)

The article addresses the issues of improving the industrial safety of hazardous production facilities of an organization providing services for pipeline transportation of oil and oil products through the introduction of processes for preventing, localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents into the organization’s quality management system. According to the results of research, the authors have proposed process models of the first and second level, built on the basic principles of the ISO 9000 series standards. This article complements the previous issue, which described in detail the processes of the first level, and disclosed the processes of preventing the consequences of accidents. The article focuses on describing the model for accident consequences localization and elimination processes, bringing to light main inputs and outputs of these processes, and their interconnection with other processes. Within this article, the authors also emphasize some of the most important tasks and issues that need to be worked out in detail and which can be regarded as a roadmap for implementing the principles of a quality management system when planning and implementing the processes for preventing, localizing and eliminating the consequences of accidents. Using the proposed models will help an organization increase the efficiency of planning, resource allocation and the implementation of the processes in question as part of operating a hazardous production facility, a main pipeline. Ultimately, the foregoing will help strengthen the corporate image as a responsible organization operating a hazardous production facility. The approach outlined in the articles can also be applied to main gas pipelines subject to the specifics of the process of their operation.


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