Surface activity and oil displacing properties of compositions based on dimeric petroleum sulfonates

UDK: 622.276.6
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-5-64-67
Key words: enhanced oil recovery (EOR), dimeric petroleum sulfonates, surface properties, filtration test, extracts of oil selective treatment
Authors: A.S. Kirillov (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), V.V. Konovalov (Samara State Technical University, RF, Samara), E.I. Nosov (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara), A.V. Marnosov (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara)

The present paper contains the results showing the comparison of surface activity and oil-displacing abilities of the compositions recovered at the basis of petroleum sulfonates from the extracts of oily fraction selective cleaning as well as by petroleum sulfonates with dimeric structure, recovered while using the given type of raw material but in presence of a component providing the formation of di-sulfonic acids. The conducted studies have shown that the use of cross-linker in a process of hydrocarbon raw material sulfonating gives the formation of petroleum sulfonates with dimeric structure w/o the reduction in active component recovery. The authors have completed ratio test of petroleum sulfonate surface activity and have found that petroleum sulfonates containing surfactant with dimeric structure at the boundary between aqueous surfactant solutions - kerosene have lesser surface activity, but the figures of critical micelle concentration are significantly lower. The produced surfactant samples were used to mix-up the compositions for alkaline – surfactant polymer flooding. The results of filtration studies have shown that displacement factor of residual oil from recovered petroleum sulfonates (PS) with ordinary structure was equal to 46.3%, and the displacement factor of residual oil from PS with dimeric structure was equal to 67.5%. So, it was proved by the experiments that the use of PS containing the surfactants with dimeric structure increases the displacement efficiency of the residual oil (after flooding) and is a promising factor for the designing of the compositions used in physical and chemical reservoir treatment methods.


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