Comprehensive solution on handling waste from oil and gas producing enterprises in low-developed areas of Russia

UDK: 502.36 : 622.276.012
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2018-1-98-102
Key words: waste management, waste landfills, oil and gas field development, environmental safety
Authors: P.A. Zuev (Giprovostokneft JSC, RF, Samara), D.V. Lyustritskaya (Giprovostokneft JSC, RF, Samara)

The article deals with waste management in oil and gas fields of the north and east regions of Russia, such as East Siberia, Timan-Pechora region, Yamal peninsula and Far East. Rough climatic conditions, absence of transport infrastructure, remoteness of stations for waste deactivation, disposal and processing, and vulnerability of natural ecosystems cause the production and consumer waste management and handling operations to rise in value. One of the ways to handle this issue is to build industrial waste landfills directly at field sites. Landfill’s capacity shall be determined based on total waste quantity throughout field production period. Waste handling technology used at landfills shall be determined based on waste type and may include their neutralization, recycling and/or disposal. For the less developed regions of the Far North and territories equated to them the best waste deactivation technology is burning in pyrolysis incinerators. Incineration helps to minimize waste volume and its hazardous features. Consideration shall be given to selection of proper site for landfill. The chosen site should ensure the safe functioning of the landfill and minimal impact on the environment. An important point is to identify the zones of environmental constraints before the design of waste landfill.

This article provides criteria for choosing waste landfill site, main technological steps, landfill production and service facilities.

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