Substantiating parameters of the neodymium magnetic separator construction for afterpurification of emulsified reservoir water

UDK: 628.16:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-8-112-115
Key words: magnetic separator, emulsified oil, formation water, magnetite particles, magnetic field
Authors: N.D. Tskhadaya, I.Yu. Bykov, I.F. Chuprov, T.D. Lanina, Yu.G. Smirnov, A.A. Lutoev (Ukhta State Technical University, RF, Ukhta)

In the process of oil production simultaneously produced formation waters are pumped back into the layer for maintaining formation pressure. The presence of emulsified oil particles and mechanical admixture into the pumped water reduces the return of productive and absorbing layers. That’s why deep cleaning of wastewater is necessary before their reinjection into the layers.

For purification of water from emulsified oil particles the use of magnetic nanoparticles of magnetite with magnetic separator is offered. Finely dispersed particles are absorbed on the surface of the emulsified oil. Then magnetized emulsion drop is removed in the magnetic separator. Such oil particle in a magnetic field will have weak magnetic moment. That’s why the need of the development of magnetic separator coping effectively with this task exists. The cartridge of the device consists of many thin steel rods along which the cleaned water flows. The efficiency of the magnetic separator depends on tension and gradient of the magnetic field in its workspace.

In this work modeling of magnetic fields in the cartridge of the magnetic separator is carried out. Based on the models constructive features are chosen. The advantage of the diamond-shaped arrangement of the rods in the magnetic field is justified. The optimum thickness of the rods and the distance between them are determined. Installation of steel rods with the thickness of 1-10 mm at the distance of 1-2 mm from each other is recommended. The possibility of using magnets the possibility of using magnets is also justified. Making the magnetic trap as a core the use of permanent magnets NdFeB with a square base is offered. Radius of the core from the surface in which the intensity of the magnetic field more than 100 kA/m can be considered as equal to the size of the magnet. The rods in the cartridge must have a diamond-shaped arrangement in the direction of the magnetic field lines.

The model of calculation of the coefficient of the performance of the cartridge of the magnetic separator which is determined with reference to the gradient of the magnetic field and the coefficient of the working area in a cross section of the magnetic separator is introduced.


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