Geological model matching with seismic data in the case of submarine slide sedimentation environment

UDK: 550.834
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-8-48-51
Key words: deep marine sediments, slide, geological model, Priobskoye field
Authors: M.Yu. Mityaev, A.V. Butorin, R.N. Asmandiyarov (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

The work is aimed at clarifying the geological structure of complex objects by solving a direct problem of seismic exploration. An example of a reservoir considered in this work represents sediments of deep marine slides. In order to confirm the validity of the geological model, synthetic seismic data is calculated and compared with the original seismic cube. Paper concerns the geological model various implementations. The first – includes modeling with no deformation vertical displacements. The second implementation uses data to attract modern systems of deep marine slides, their structure and types of deformations.

The synthetic wave calculation was carried out in a simplified version of the convolutional model. The acoustic properties are selected according to the available analogs. Further, the acoustic impedance model was recalculated into a cube of reflection coefficients, which was fed to the input of the convolution operator. The results of the sensitivity analysis of the method to the parameters of the geological model and fault types are presented. Additionally the results include: results of optimization of cell sizes of the synthetic geological model; approaches to the choice of methods for creating a structural framework; methods of specifying deformations, if necessary, testing hypotheses on the possible magnitude of the displacement; approaches to the method of modeling the acoustic properties of the medium.

The method used is considered as an approach to the restoration of the wave field on the various concepts basis of the geological structure, can be used as a quick and convenient method for testing the concept and analysis of seismic capabilities for the identification of geological objects. The application of the method makes it possible to evaluate the correctness of the structural framework, the nature of the bedding, the size of geological objects, and the distribution of acoustic properties within lithotypes and geological bodies, provided that they can be isolated on a real seismic section.


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