New objects of prospecting end exploration in a prospective O-D1 oil-gas bearing complex of the Denisovsky license area

UDK: 550.8
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2017-7-14-19
Key words: oil, gas, holdings, resources, oil-gas bearing complex, prospecting end exploration, prospective objects
Authors: A.A. Savelieva, A.V. Artsishevskaya, N.I. Borschevskaya (PermNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL-Engineering in Perm, RF, Ukhta)

According to petroleum-zoning license area Denisovskaya Depression owned by LUKOIL-Komi refers to Lay-Lodma oil and gas zone of Pechora-Kolva oil and gas region, tectonically it refers to Denisov deflection Pechora-Kolva aulacogene. The main oil-and-gas bearing perspectives of this license area are associated with carbonate deposits of Domanic-Tournaisian reefs. The prospects of the Denisovsky license area connected with Low Silurian collection thicknesses understudied so far, and in the separate territories and Upper Devonian, blocked by a regional Timan-Sargaev tire are considered. Collectors confined to Dzjagalian, Filippjelian and Sedjelian horizons, which were formed practically on the entire territory of the plate in the shallow-shelf sublittoral zone of the sea. In the Denisov deflection productivity of Sedjel horizon Lower Silurian was proven on West-Comandirshorskoye-2 field. In some areas, oil and gas potential prospects are also associated with the Upper Ordovician carbonate sediments that have not been penetrated by drilling.

Within the area 3 perspective sites are allocated: Lambeyshorsky, Amdermayolsky and Verkhnelodminsky. The most promising are the Kerlaya, Upper Amdermayol, Mid-Tatar, North Lambeishor structures. The phase composition of the expected deposits in the upper part of the Lower Silurian, and on individual structures - Upper-Ordovician deposits, should be predicted as oil. On the basis of the analysis of geological prerequisites deep drilling on structures with the estimated perspective resources is offered. Prospects can increase when creating a single seismogeological model of the Denisovskaya depression. Taking into account the huge potential of the Denisovsky license area for building up the prospects of the mineral and raw materials base, it is necessary to enter the deep promising horizons.


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