Influence of the magnetic field on the intensity of wax deposits on the tubing wall

UDK: 622.276.72
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-4-60-65
Key words: magnetic field, electric field, wax crystallization, wax deposition, organic scales, magnetic treatment, magnetic unit, inter-cleaning period, mass exchange, mathematical model
Authors: N.A. Cheremisin (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), I.A. Struchkov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The field experience with application of various methods of prevention and remediation of wax deposition in tubing has shown that none of the methods provides 100 % protection and each need to be duplicated by other methods with the exception of using electrical heating and scrapers. Among the prevention methods of wax deposition, the magnetic treatment of oil using magnetic devices of various designs is quite effective and simple in production and handling. Over the past decades, a great experience on using the magnetic treatment on production fluids has been gained. At the same time, not all observed phenomena and effects have a rigorous explanation. This paper discusses the effect of a magnetic field on the wax deposits; an analytical model has been developed to quantify the wax deposition rate on the tubing surface during magnetic treatment of the upstream. It has been established that the passage of the oil flow through a non-uniform magnetic field causes a high-intensity electric field for a sufficiently long period of time, the effect of which decreases the solubility of wax in oil, increases the intensity of wax crystallization in the volume of oil and reduces the wax deposition on the tubing surface. The model takes into account that the presence of wax deposits on the tubing surface is a highly efficient heat insulator that changes the temperature regime of the flow and the temperature of the tubing wall. A method for calculating the equilibrium concentration of wax and changing in the solubility of wax in oil as a result of the influence of a constant electric field has been developed. It has been shown that the effect of magnetic treatments rises with the increase in the concentration of asphaltenes in oil and water cut.


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