Operational forecasting of gas field development based on integrated proxy modeling

UDK: 681.518:622.279.23/.4
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-1-74-76
Key words: hydrodynamic simulator, integrated proxy modeling, prediction of field development indicators, automatic adaptation algorithms
Authors: Yu.A. Arkhipov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), A.S. Rusanov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Centre LLC, RF, Tyumen), E.N. Orekhov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Centre LLC, RF, Tyumen), T.I. Sadykov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Centre LLC, RF, Tyumen), P.V. Merkushin (Tyumen Petroleum Research Centre LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.V. Kadnikov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Centre LLC, RF, Tyumen), E.I. Smirnov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Centre LLC, RF, Tyumen), A.V. Strekalov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Centre LLC, RF, Tyumen), S.M. Knyazev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Centre LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The main tools for predicting field development indicators are three-dimensional geological and hydrodynamic modeling software systems. The specificity of modeling gas and gas condensate objects is associated with the significant influence of the gas gathering and treatment network on the technological modes of wells operation. This necessitates the creation of integrated models of the ‘reservoir – wells – surface infrastructure’ systems. The tools available for integrated modeling are usually complex and labor intensive to use. The current digitalization trend dictates the need to significantly accelerate all business processes, including forecasting field development indicators. Rosneft Oil Company is one of the industry leaders in creating its own software, actively developing various areas of digitalization. The article presents a new software module for integrated proxy modeling, developed  by the employees of Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC (a subsidiary of Rosneft Oil Company), which makes it possible to accelerate the forecasting of gas reservoir development indicators and take into account the operation of all elements of the ‘reservoir – wells – gas gathering network – compressor’. The reservoir model is single-layer with the specified parameters of the framework and reservoir properties, PVT properties of saturating fluids and relative phase permeability. The input data for well modeling are inclinometry, information on the parameters of tubing and productivity in the form of filtration resistance coefficients. The calculation of in-situ fluid filtration is based on the basic laws of hydrodynamics and material balance. To assess the performance of the module, a comparison of the results of calculations on the proxy model with the results of calculations on a commercial simulator was performed, which showed a high degree of convergence. The results of successful approbation show that the inherent solutions make it possible to achieve a high design speed and correctness of the results with a minimum set of initial data.


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