Water-hydrocarbon detergent solvents for chemical cleaning of oil pipelines and tanks from wax deposits

UDK: 622.692.4.004.55
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2022-10-104-108
Key words: solvents, water-hydrocarbon emulsions, washing solutions, chemical washing, oil pumping station, oil pipeline, tank, wax deposits, bottom sediment
Authors: T.I. Bezymyannikov (The Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC, RF, Moscow), R.M. Karimov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), R.R. Tashbulatov (The Pipeline Transport Institute, LLC, RF, Moscow; Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), A.R. Valeev (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa), O.A. Makarenko (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa)

The article is devoted to the issues of cleaning oil pipelines and tanks from wax wall deposits and bottom sediment to solve the problems of operation, as well as to transfer them to pumping oil products. To solve these problems, it is proposed to use the chemical washing method, which makes it possible to implement a closed unmanned technology without opening of inner surface. The new technology proposed is based on practical experience in flushing process pipelines at an oil pumping station and sections of the linear part of main oil pipelines using hydrocarbon solvents. The analysis showed the shortcomings of the technology used, associated with high costs, due to excessively consumed volumes of wax solvents, which significantly affects the profitability of washing. At the same time, the results of analytical quality control of cleaning and samples of spent cleaning solutions, using the example of the considered practical experience, showed the possibility of using water as a ballast for filling and pressing pipelines and tanks to be cleaned to significantly reduce the cost of washing by reducing the consumption of expensive hydrocarbon solvents. The paper presents the results of studies of the effectiveness of model cleaning solutions based on water-hydrocarbon emulsions tested on wax samples from pipe wall segments and tanks bottom sediments. The advantages of water-hydrocarbon emulsions for solving the problem of transferring oil pipelines and pumping stations to light oil products are briefly substantiated. The practical experience of applying chemical washing technology using hydrocarbon solvents is analyzed. During laboratory tests, the high residual washing ability of water-hydrocarbon emulsions was confirmed in comparison with the initial solvents. To remove inorganic or undissolved sediment particles, the minimum flow rates necessary for their removal from the pipeline are determined. To improve the efficiency of washing tanks, ultrasonic treatment is proposed - both for the preparation of water-hydrocarbon washing emulsions, including invert type, and to enhance the dispersing effect due to cavitation.


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