Effective method for creating and adapting PVT-model of reservoir fluid of gas-condensate deposits and gas cap for oil-gas-condensate reservoirs

Authors: T.S. Yushchenko, A.I. Brusilovsky (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)

Key words: reservoir gas condensate mixture, pVT-model, equation-of-state, gas-oil ratio, z-factor, CVD process.

The article is considering a new engineering method for creating PVT-models of natural gas condensate mixtures. The method can be applied for fluids of gas condensate reservoirs and gas cap of two-phase deposits. The method is based on the reproducing of the results of field measurements and basic laboratory studies of representative samples in thermodynamic modeling using equation of state. The procedure of equation of state parameters consequent setting was developed. PVT-models created on the base of the proposed method, provide reliable information on the properties of a reservoir fluid in development of flow simulation both using a reservoir simulation compositional models and using pseudo models “black oil” with “wet gas”. The method is illustrated by the example of creation of the adequate PVT-models of various regions of Russia reservoir condensate field’s mixtures.
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