Editorial Board of the journal "Oil Industry"

Research Director at Gazprom Neft PJSC
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Honorary Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Bashkortostan

The Innovative Development Program of Rosneft OJSC, as well as the Exploration and Production Program of Gazprom Neft OJSC were created and implemented under the leadership of Khasanov M.M.
He was elected the head of the Working Group of the Advisory Council for the Innovative Development of the Oil and Gas Complex of the Ministry of Energy of Russia and the technological platform Technologies of production and use of hydrocarbons. Within this working group there were prepared materials on the necessity of ASP technologies development, development of Russian surfactants, horizontal drilling technologies, process modeling and others.
The North-West Section of the International Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) was created under his direct leadership.
A cooperation with research centers, the Academy of Sciences, Skolkovo, specialized departments of universities , foreign service companies was enlarged and strengthened with the active support of Khasanov M.M. and books on petroleum engineering are being published.
He is a member of the following editorial boards: Resources of the European North. Technologies and development economics, PRONEFT. Professionally about oil, Bulletin of the Bashkir State University.

Awarded with Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, Rosneft, SPE.

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The journal "Oil Economy" enjoys well-deserved authority among Russian oilmen as a source of up-to-date, highly professional scientific and technical information. The journal has always been and remains for publications about the latest achievements and problems of development in the field of:
- search and hydrocarbon deposits
- drilling technologies
- oil production equipment and technologies
- transportation and processing of hydrocarbon raw materials
- sale of petroleum products
- environmental and industrial safety
- information technology and related topics.

The editorial board of the journal includes representatives of the founding companies, scientists and specialists of industry research institutes, other oil and gas companies (candidates and doctors of sciences). The team of authors consists of calculations and specialists in oil and gas companies, scientists and IT specialists from industry research institutes, specialists in servicing companies and related specialties. All incoming articles are subject to mandatory external review according to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission.