January 2014
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The oil and gas industry

A.G. Gumerov, S.G. Bazhaykin (IPTER GUP, RF, Ufa)
Problems of the Russian oil and gas complex sectoral science


Key words: sectoral science, oil, gas, problems, financing.

The analysis of sectoral science in the field of fuel-energy complex is carried out. The experience of foreign countries in the development of sectoral science in the oil and gas complex is considered. The scheme of functioning of the State Committee on Science and Technology in the field of oil recovery is presented. The measures to revive the sectoral science are offered for discussion.
1. Savost'yanov N.A., Laptev V.V., Geologiya nefti i gaza – The journal Oil
and Gas Geology, 2007, no. 2, pp. 25 – 33.
2. Kontorovich A., Eder L., Filimonova I., Neft' Rossii – Oil of Russia, 2012, no. 9, pp. 12-13.
3. IFRS financial statements for 2011, URL:
4. Annual Report of OAO "LUKOIL" for 2011, URL: http://www.lukoil.ru/ materials/ doc/annual_report_2011/LUKOIL_AR_2011_RUS.pdf
5. Annual Report of OAO "NK “Rosneft" for 2011, URL:
6. Annual Report of TNK-BP for 2011, URL: http://www.tnkbp.
7. Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement for January-December 2011, URL:
8. URL: http://www.oilcapital.ru/ company/154018.html.
9. Annual Report for 2011, URL: www.pronedrom/sistema-annual-report-
10. Annual Report for 2011, URL:
11. URL: http://www.mil-tech.org/2012/02/02/roe-2.
12. Profit and loss statement IFRS, 2011, URL: http://www.barfin.ru/company/
13. Profit and loss statement IFRS, 2011, URL: http://www.barfin.ru/company/
14. Profit and loss statement IFRS, 2011, URL: http://www.barfin.ru/company/
15. Profit and loss statement IFRS, 2011, URL: http://www.barfin.ru/company/
halliburton/income/ifrs/year (data obrashcheniya 21.12.12).
16. URL: http://neftegaz.ru/analisis/view/7889.

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R.Kh. Muslimov, I.N. Plotnikova (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan)
About shale oil of the Republic of Tatarstan


Key words: non-traditional hydrocarbon resources, shale oil, organic matter.

The prospects of the development of shale oil facilities design methods in Tatarstan are considered.

A program for evaluation of oil and gas deposits prospects is worked out. The stages of its realization are described. A preliminary estimate of the cost of the program is made.
1. Yakutseni V.P., Petrova Yu.E., Sukhanov A.A., Neftegazovaya geologiya.
Teoriya i praktika: elektronnyy nauchnyy zhurnal, 2009, V. 4, no. 1, URL:
2. Baykov N.M., Baykova E.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2013,
no. 5, pp. 120-123; no. 7, pp. 131-135.
3. Rogers J., Hot commodities : how anyone can invest profitably in the
World's Best Market, John Wiley & Sons, Limited, 2007, 255 p.
4. Tektonicheskoe i neftegeologicheskoe rayonirovanie territorii Tatarstana
(Tectonic and oil zoning of Tatarstan): edited by Khisamov R.S., Kazan': FEN
Publ., 2006, 328 p.
5. Zharkov A.M., Mineral'nye resursy Rossii. Ekonomika i upravlenie, 2011, no. 3,
pp. 16-21.
6. R.S. Khisamov, A.A. Gubaydullin, V.G. Bazarevskaya, E.A. Yudintsev, Geologiya karbonatnykh slozhno postroennykh kollektorov devona i karbona
Tatarstana (Geology of Devonian and Carbonian carbonate complex reservoirs
of Tatarstan), Kazan': FEN Publ., 2010, 283 p.
7. Muslimov R.Kh., Osobennosti razvedki i razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy
v usloviyakh rynochnoy ekonomiki. Uchebnoe posobie (Features of the
exploration and development of oil fields in a market economy. Tutorial),
Kazan': FEN Publ., 2009, 727 p.
8. Muslimov R.Kh., Nefteotdacha: proshloe, nastoyashchee, budushchee.
Uchebnoe posobie (Oil recovery: past, present and future. Tutorial), Kazan':
FEN Publ., 2012, 664 p.
9. Muslimov R.Kh., Neft'. Gaz. Novatsii, 2013, no. 4(171), pp.

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Geology and geologo-prospecting works

V.L. Shuster, S.A. Punanova (Oil and Gas Research Institute of RAS, RF, Moscow)
Probabilistic estimation of oil-and-gas prospects of hydrocarbon potential of a pre-Jurassic complex of Western Siberia by means of the geological and mathematical program “Choice”


Key words: oil, basement, Western Siberia, reservoirs, organic matter.

Methodical approach to probabilistic estimation of oil and gas prospects of local objects is to define the integral probability of main geological and geochemical factors, affecting on the formation of oil and gas accumulations in fractured-cavernous rocks. The program "Choice" was used. The most important factors are properties of reservoirs, impermeable beds, hydrocarbon traps, contents and type of organic substance of maternal thicknesses, generation of hydrocarbons.
1. Kleshchev K.A., Shein V.S., Perspektivy neftegazonosnosti fundamenta Zapadnoy Sibiri (Petroleum potential of the Western Siberia foundation),
Moscow: Publ. of All-Russian Research Geological Oil Institute, 2004, 214 p.
2. Shuster V.L., Problemy neftegazonosnosti kristallicheskikh porod fundamenta
(The problems of oil and gas potential of crystalline basement rocks),
Moscow: Geoinformtsentr Publ., 2003, 48 p.
3. Shvemberger Yu.N., Shuster V.L., Merkulova O.N., Mnogokriterial'nost' i
vybor al'ternativy v poiskovo-razvedochnykh rabotakh na neft' i gaz (Multicriteriality
and choice of alternatives in the exploration for oil and gas), Moscow:
Publ. of VNIIOENG, 1987, 56 p.
4. Shvemberger Yu.N., Shuster V.L., Izvestiya vuzov. Seriya Geologiya i razvedka,
1987, no. 3, pp. 48-52.
5. Levyant V.B., Shuster V.L., Geologiya nefti i gaza – The journal Oil and Gas
Geology, 2002, no. 2, pp. 21-26.
6. Shlenkin S.I., Kashirin G.V., Masyukov A.V., Kharakhinov V.V., Proceedings of International Geophysical Conference on the 300th anniversary of Mining
and Geological Survey of Russia, St. Petersburg, 2000, pp. 493-494.
7. Shuster V.L., Punanova S.A., Samoylova A.V., Levyant V.B., Geologiya nefti i
gaza – The journal Oil and Gas Geology, 2011, no. 2, pp. 26-33.
8. Kontorovich A.E., Fomin A.N., Krasavchikov V.O., Istomin A.V., Proceedings
of International Scientific and Practical Conference “Litologicheskie i
geokhimicheskie osnovy prognoza neftegazonosnosti” (Lithological and
geochemical fundamentals for prediction oil and gas potential), St. Petersburg,
Publ. of VNIGRI, 2008, pp. 68-77.
9. Fomin A.N., Gornye vedomosti, 2011, no. 9, pp. 11.
10. Kiryukhina T.A., Ul'yanov G.V., Dzyublo A.D. et al., Gazovaya promyshlennost' – GAS Industry of Russia, 2011, no. 7, pp. 66-70.
11. Boldushevskaya L.N., Ladygin S.V., Nazimkov G.D. et al., Collected papers
“Fundament, struktury obramleniya Zapadno-Sibirskogo mezozoysko-kaynozoyskogo osadochnogo basseyna, ikh geodinamicheskaya evolyutsiya i
problemy neftegazonosnosti” (Foundation, framing structure of the West
Siberian Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary basin, their geodynamic evolution
and oil and gas potential problems), Novosibirsk, 2008, pp. 224-227.
12. Kostyreva E.A., Geologiya i geofizika – Russian Geology and Geophysics,
2004, V. 45, no. 7, pp. 843-853.
13. Zapivalov N.P., Proceedings of VII International Conference “Novye idei v
geologii i geokhimii nefti i gaza” (New ideas in geology and geochemistry of
oil and gas), Moscow: GEO S Publ., 2004, pp. 186-188.

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E.V. Zagrebelnyi (Gazprom Neft Orenburg, RF, Orenburg), V.A. Kosmynin, D.A. Kuzmin (Gazpromneft NTC LLC, RF, Saint-Petersburg), V.V. Ananiev (Gazprom Neft JSC, RF, Saint-Petersburg)
Sedimentation preconditions of Kolgan Formation hydrocarbon potential


Key words: Devonian, Kolgan Formation, sandstones, paleogeography, lithology traps.

The significant amount of geological and geophysical data including well logging, core studying, well testing and regional geology structure have been analyzed and systemized. The goal is determination of existent hydrocarbon deposits regularities and estimation of exploration prospects in terrigenous Kolgan Formation. The non-structural traps with cumulative recoverable hydrocarbon resources of more then 35 mln tons are predicting according to the results of work.
1. Gmid L.P., Nikitin Yu.I., Taninskaya N.V., Shibina T.D., Neftegazovaya
geologiya. Teoriya i praktika, 2007, V. 2, p. 29.
2. Geologicheskoe stroenie i neftegazonosnost' Orenburgskoy
oblasti (Geological structure and oil and gas potential of the
Orenburg region), Orenburg: Orenburgskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo
Publ., 1997, 272 ð.
3. Geologiya i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy
Orenburgskoy oblasti (Geology and development of oil and gas
fields of the Orenburg region), Orenburg: Orenburgskoe knizhnoe
izdatel'stvo Publ., 1998, 256 ð.
4. Poberezhskiy S.M., Afanas'eva M.A., Polyakova M.A.,
Yaroshenko A.V., Geologiya, geografiya i global'naya energiya,
2010, no. 3, pp. 261-266.
5. Reading H.G., Sedimentary environments: processes, facies
and stratigraphy, Blackwell Publishing Limited, Second edition,
1986, 352 ð.
6. Selley R.C., Ancient sedimentary environments and their subsurface
diagnosis, Cornell Univ Pr; 3 edition, 1986, 317 p.

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A.S. Dushin (BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)
Sedimentary cyclicity in the Lower Devonian carbonate sediments of R. Trebs field


Key words: carbonate ramp, microfacies, recurrence, secondary changes.

This paper examines the cyclic structure of productive carbonate sediments bearing in mind the ramp depositional model. Different lithotypes depending on the intensity of the secondary dolomitization identified in the sedimentary cyclites. Low dolomitic lithotypes retain primary sedimentary features and meet the standard Flugel microfacies. The layered structure of the carbonate strata due to the manifestation of the high-frequency sedimentation cycles is shown with the new data.

1. Kaufman J., Jameson J., Sequence stratigraphy,
facies, and reservoir quality of lower Devonian
carbonates in Roman Trebsa field, Timan-Pechora
basin, C.I.S., SEPM Spetial publication,
2002, no. 74, pp. 43-68.
2. Fedorov A.I., Dushin A.S., Rykus M.V., Neftyanoe
khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2012, no. 4, pp. 25-28. 

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E.A. Potapova, L.A. Dubrovina (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)
Determining traps of lithological type of BU15 formation within Vostochno-Messoyakhskiy license area based on lithofacies analysis


Key words: Vostochno-Messoyakhskiy license area, geological structure, facies analysis, traps of lithological type.

The article introduces the results of geology and geophysics data integral analysis based on determination of depositional environment. The work objective is to build an actual lithofacies model. The model resulted from conducted research serves as a basis for reserves and resources estimation within the studied formation as well as for effective placement of exploration wells. Based on facies division of reservoirs, presumed traps of lithological type are determined and shaling lines between wells with different WOC level are justified.

1. Zakrevskiy K.E., Nassonova N.V., Geologicheskoe modelirovanie klinoform
neokoma Zapadnoy Sibiri (Geological modeling of Neocomian clinoform of
Western Siberia), Tver': GERS Publ., 2012, 84 p.
2. Kozubovskaya I.G. et al., Report on the theme: “Sozdanie Seysmogeologicheskoy modeli osadochnogo chekhla Zapadno-Sibirskoy geosineklizy v predelakh severnykh rayonov YaNAO” (Creation of seismic and geological model of the sedimentary cover of the West Siberian geosyneclise within
northern regions YaNAO), Tyumen': OOO LNTNG Petrograf Publ., 2007, 229 p.
3. Filippovich Yu.V. et al., Report on the theme: “Litologo-fatsial'nyy analiz po
osnovnym rezervuaram yury i mela Vostochno-Messoyakhskogo i Zapadno-
Messoyakhskogo mestorozhdeniy” (Lithofacies analysis on the main reservoirs
of the Jurassic and Cretaceous of East and West Messoyakhskoye fields), St.
Petersburg: Publ. of OOO “Gazprom-neft' NTTs”, 2011, 172 p.
4. Muromtsev V.S., Elektrometricheskaya geologiya peschanykh tel – litologicheskikh lovushek nefti i gaza (Electrometric geology of sandbodies -
lithologic oil and gas traps), Leningrad: Nedra Publ., 1984, 260 p.
5. Zhemchugova V.A., Zhukov A.P., Epov K.A., Tekhnologii seysmorazvedki,
2007, no. 4, pp. 17-34.
6. Ezhova A.V., Litologiya (Litology), Tomsk: Publ. of TPU, 2009, 351 p.
7. Malyarova T.N., Proceedings of Scientific and Practical Conference “Informatsionnye tekhnologii pri razrabotke mestorozhdeniy” (Information Technology by development of deposits), Ufa, 25-25 April 2007, 16 p. 

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A.Ya. Fursov, A.F. Galimova, A.D. Alekseeva (VNIIneft OAO, RF, Moscow)
On geological substantiation of the estimation targets in strata with changeable reservoirs


Key words: Tyumen suite, reservoirs geometrization, estimation target, geological and statistical section, lithological heterogeneity.

Different approaches to estimation targets separation are considered on an example of Tyumen suite sediments of one of the fields of Western Siberia. It is shown, that geologically substantiated approach is also more rational in the view of reservoirs capacity conservation at oil deposits geometrization.

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Drilling of chinks

M.A. Myslyuk, Yu.M. Salyzhyn, V.V. Bogoslavets (Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk)
About deterioration of productive layers reservoir characteristics


Key words:productive layer reservoir characteristics, rheological properties of the emulsion of drilling mud filtrate – oil, surfactant.

The causes of deterioration of productive layers reservoir characteristics while drilling in are considered. Special attention is paid to the study of the rheological properties of the emulsion of drilling mud filtrate - oil type. On the example of oil from Bugruvativskoye and Mylkivskoye fields, it is shown that, depending on the composition and concentration of the filtrate emulsions non-Newtonian properties may be shown and rheological parameters are high for certain values of concentrations. Optimal additions of surfactants to the drilling mud aimed at improvement of surface characteristics on the interphase boundary filtrate-oil significantly decrease viscosity properties of emulsions. The obtained results allow us to define the mechanism of decreasing of reservoir characteristics of productive layers as a result of drilling mud filtrate penetration and lay down new requirements to technologies, composition and properties of drilling muds for productive layers drilling in.
1. Àmiyan V.A., Vasil'eva N.P., Vskrytie i osvoenie neftegazovykh plastov
(Drilling-in and development of oil and gas reservoirs), Moscow: Nedra Publ.,
1972, 336 p.
2. Darley H.C.H., Gray G.R., Composition and properties of drilling and completion fluids, ButterworthHeinemann, 1983.
3. Podgornov V.M., Formirovanie prizaboynoy zony skvazhiny (Formation of
wellbore zone), Moscow: Neft' i gaz Publ., 2005, 82 p.
4. Teichrob R., Baillargeon D., The changing face of underbalanced drilling,
Word Oil, 2000, V. 221, no. 5, pp. 37-40.
5. Salikhov R.G., Fuss V.A., Permyakov A.P. et al., Stroitel'stvo neftyanykh i
gazovykh skvazhin na sushe i na more, 2004, no. 12, pp. 47-51.
6. Kretsul V.V., Stroitel'stvo neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin na sushe i na more,
2006, no. 10, pp. 32-36.
7. Kretsul V.V., Krylov V.I., Stroitel'stvo neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhin na sushe i
na more, 2007, no. 4, pp. 44-47.
8. Derkach S.R., Berestova G.I., Motyleva T.A., Vestnik MGTU – Proceedings of
the Murmansk State Technical University, 2010, V. 13, no. 4/1, pp. 784-792.
9. Myslyuk M.A., Rybchych ².Y., Bur³nnya sverdlovin: Dov³dnyk (Drilling: A Handbook),
Part 4. Zavershennya sverdlovyn (Completion of wells), Kiev: ²nterpres
Ltd., 2012, 608 p.
10. Agzamov F.A., Diyashev R.N., Yakimov A.S., Krysin N.I., Neftyanoe
khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2007, no. 10, pp. 125 – 129.
11. Myslyuk M.A., Salyzhin Yu.M., Bogoslavets V.V., Stroitel'stvo neftyanykh i
gazovykh skvazhin na sushe i na more, 2012, no. 3, pp. 35 – 39.
12. Myslyuk M., Salyzhyn I., The evaluation rheological parameters of non-
Newtonian fluids by rotational viscosimetry, Applied Rheology, 2012, no.
22(3), pp. 32381 (7 pages).
13. Vasilenko V.A., Splayn-funktsii: teoriya, algoritmy, programmy (Spline functions: theory, algorithms, programs), Novosibirsk: Nauka Publ., 1983, 214 p.

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S.N. Goronovich, T.V. Kozhina, A.N. Olejnikov (VolgoUralNIPIgaz ÎÎÎ, RF, Orenburg), D.G. Belskiy Gazprom ÎÀÎ, RF, Moscow)
The nature of the restriction borehole at the opening of thick salt


Key words: mud, the secondary crystallization, beds of precipitation, complications, aging sediment.

This paper examines the nature of the restriction borehole at the opening of thick salt. Raises issues related to complications during drilling in thick beds of precipitation. The article contains a physical-chemical basis of the process of secondary crystallization of salt on the walls of the well, the problem involves the prevention of secondary crystallization by modifying the environment mud. The results can be used to solve the problem of preventing the narrowing of the wellbore due salts crystallization on the walls of the well.

1. Goronovich S.N., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2008, no. 2,
pp. 49-51.
2. Goronovich S.N., Galyan D.A., Shvets T.S., Myazin O.G., Burenie i neft', 2010, no. 4, pp. 44-46.
3. Goronovich S.N., Galyan D.A., K voprosu vskrytiya khemogennykh otlozheniy
na Vostochno–Peschanoy i Peschanoy ploshchadyakh v usloviyakh
ikh neodnorodnosti (On the question of drilling in chemogenic deposits on
the East Peschanaya and Peschanaya areas with heterogeneous beds),
Moscow: Publ. of IRTs Gazprom, 2003, pp. 65-72.
4. Khurshudov V.A., Khurshudov D.V., Stroitel'stvo neftyanykh i gazovykh
skvazhin na sushe i na more, 2009, no. 11, p. 22; no. 12, p.16; 2010, no. 1, p. 11;
no. 2, p. 1.
5. Goronovich S.N., Metody obespecheniya sovmestimosti intervalov bureniya
(Methods for ensuring compatibility of drilling intervals), Moscow:
Gazprom ekspo Publ., 2009, 356 p.
6. Kireev V.A., Kurs fizicheskoy khimii (Course of physical chemistry), Moscow: Khimiya Publ., 1975, 499 p. 

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Working out and operation of oil deposits

A.Kh. Shakhverdiev Institute of System Studies of the Oil-and-Gas Production Processes NP, Russian Academy of Natural Science, RF, Moscow)
Once again about oil recovery factor


Key words: oil recovery, recoverable reserves, oil in place, displacement efficiency, enhanced oil recovery (EOR) methods, flooding, oil saturation, efficiency.

In this study, in order of critical discussion of the provisions in the articles "Once again on the oil recovery" (Oil Industry. - 2013. – No. 3. - pp. 40 - 44) and "On average designed producible oil index" (Oil Industry. - 2012. –No. 11 - pp. 112 - 115) is considered. Inconsistency (inapplicability) of the mathematical formulation of the average designed oil recovery factor used by the authors was shown. The key provisions of widely tested unified approach to solving the separation of additional oil production through the use of conventional bed stimulation and EOR and IOR technologies. The case study of the possibility of separating of the estimated oil displacement coefficients of the reservoir pressure maintenance method and EOR under the implementation of enhanced oil recovery methods on the oil fields with certain geological and physical characteristics is shown.

1. Muslimov R.Kh., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2013, no. 3, pp. 41 – 44.
2. Shelepov V.V., Kryanev D.Yu., Zhdanov S.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2012, no. 11, pp. 112 – 115.
3. Shakhverdiev A.Kh., Cistemnaya optimizatsiya protsessa razrabotki
neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (System optimization of oilfield development),
Moscow: Nedra Publ., 2004, 452 p.
4. Mirzadzhanzade A.Kh., Shakhverdiev A.Kh., Dinamicheskie protsessy v
neftegazodobyche: sistemnyy analiz, diagnoz, prognoz (Dynamic processes
in the oil and gas production: system analysis, diagnosis, prognosis), Moscow:
Nauka Publ., 1997, 254 p.
5. Mandrik I.E., Panakhov G.M., Shakhverdiev A.Kh., Nauchno-metodicheskie
osnovy optimizatsii protsessa povysheniya nefteotdachi plastov (Scientific
and methodological bases of EOR optimization), Moscow: Neftyanoe
khozyaystvo Publ., 2010, 280 p.
6. Krylov A.P., Collected papers “Opyt razrabotki neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy”
(Experience in oil fields development), Moscow: Gostoptekhizdat
Publ., 1963, pp. 9-15.
7. Abasov M.T., Bokserman A.A., Zheltov Yu.P. et al., Collected papers “Sovremennye metody uvelicheniya nefteotdachi plastov” (Modern EOR methods),
Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1992, pp. 3-9.
8. Shakhverdiev A.Kh., Panakhov G.M., Abbasov E.M., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo
– Oil Industry, 2002, no. 11, pp. 61-65.
9. Andriasov R.S., Mishchenko I.T., Petrov A.I. et al., Spravochnoe rukovodstvo
po proektirovaniyu razrabotki i ekspluatatsii neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Reference
Manual for the design of oil fields development and exploitation):
edited by Gimatuddinov Sh.K., Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1983, 455 p.
10. Surguchev M.L., Metody kontrolya i regulirovaniya protsessa razrabotki
neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy (Methods for monitoring and managing of oil fields development), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1968, 371 p. 

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V.Yu. Alekperov, V.I. Grayfer, N.M. Nikolaev (OAO LUKOIL, RF, Moscow), V.B. Karpov, V.I. Kokorev, R.G. Nurgaliev, A.P. Paliy (RITEK JSC, RF, Moscow), A.A. Bokserman, V.A. Klinchev (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow), A.V. Fomkin (VNIIneft OAO, RF, Moscow)
New Russian oil-recovery method for exploiting the Bazhenov Formation’s deposits (part 2)


Key words: Bazhenov Formation, thermal-gas treatment, oxygen-containing mixture injection, kerogen, miscible drive, enhanced oil recovery.

In this paper we present new Russian oil-recovery method for exploiting the Bazhenov Formation’s deposits, which is based on the integration of the thermal and gas reservoir treatment. This method is carried out by the injection of the oxygen-containing mixture and its spontaneous exothermic oxidation reactions in situ. Based on the aggregation of long-term research it was established that such complex treatment, firstly, allows to increase dramatically oil recovery from the drained carbonate hydrophobic interlayers due to the effective displacing agent’s generation, and secondly, provides bringing into development the non-drained argillaceous-kerogenic interlayers due to their controlled heating from the drained interlayers, and at last thirdly, provides additional hydrocarbon recovery from the kerogen due to its cracking and pyrolysis. The results of the first phase of field tests in the pilot of the Sredne-Nazymskoye field (Bazhenov Formation) not only proved in principle the possibility of the new technology’s field implementation, but also confirmed main science-based positive effects of the thermal-gas treatment of the Bazhenov Formation’s deposits. It is established that this new technology is able to provide the value of oil recovery an order of magnitude greater than the depletion drive.

1. Kokorev V.I., Sudobin N.G., Polishchuk A.M., Gorlov E.G., Collected papers
¡§Teoriya i praktika primeneniya metodov povysheniya nefteotdachi plastov¡¨
(Theory and practice of EOR), Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium,
V. 1., September 15, 2009, p. 45.
2. Antonov S.V., Polishchuk A.M., Bokserman A.A., Collected papers ¡§Teoriya
i praktika primeneniya metodov povysheniya nefteotdachi plastov¡¨ (Theory
and practice of EOR), Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium, V. 1.,
September 15, 2009, p. 183.
3. Baturin Yu.E., Sonich V.P., Malyshev A.G. et al., Interval, 2002, no. .1(36),
pp. 17-32.
4. Baturin Yu.E., Sonich V.P., Malyshev A.G., Kosheleva A.A., Proceedings of
conference ¡§Osvoenie resursov trudnoizvlekaemykh vyazkikh neftey¡¨ (Resource development of hard-to-recover viscous oils), Krasnodar, 1999.
5. Alvarado V., Manrique E., Oil recovery: an update review, Energies, 2010,
no. 3, pp. 1529-ƒ{1575.
6. Alvarado V., Mandrik E., Metody uvelicheniya nefteotdachi plastov.
Planirovanie i strategii primeneniya (EOR methods. Planning and implementation strategy), Moscow: Premium inzhiniring Publ., 2011, p. 246. 

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I.P. Popov, A.A. Tomilov, R.V. Avershin (Surgutneftegas OJSC, RF, Surgut), A.I. Popov (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)
Improving the methods of searching and development in Shirotnoye Priobie based on fault-block tectonics of natural reservoirs


keywords: deposits, faults, formation, development, efficiently.

The discovery of hydrocarbon deposits in rocks of different lithology associated with faulting and the development of fractured reservoirs, which expands the prospects for searches of deposits within the entire Earth's crust, not only in its sedimentary cover. The dependence of productivity and reservoir saturation of the distance to faults due to the presence of oil and gas in the cracks and capillary channels commensurate with pores between which metabolic processes. Destruction zone are combined into a single multi-layer field hydrodynamic system, promote vertical migration of fluids from the exit to the surface.Creation or implementation of major depression flooding leads to the development of primary and flooding fracture capacity and isolation of stocks in the pore reservoirs. The high degree of localization of areas of increased productivity and the initial input to the development of the reservoir containing basic supplies promotes cross-flows and accelerated the development of fracture capacity of the field. Thus, insufficient consideration of reservoir and hydrodynamic models of reservoirs reduces the efficiency of searching and mining.
1. Yurova M.P., Tomilova N.N., Geologiya, geofizika
i razrabotka neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy,
1997, no. 3, pp. 46-55.
2. Konyukhov V.I., Yasovich G.S., Geologiya, geofizika
i razrabotka neftyanykh mestorozhdeniy,
1997, no. 3, pp. 2-6.
3. Muslimov R.Kh., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry,
2007, no. 3, pp. 24-29.
4. Bembel' S.R., Modelirovanie slozhnopostroennykh
zalezhey nefti i gaza v svyazi s razvedkoy i
razrabotkoy mestorozhdeniy Zapadnoy Sibiri
(Modeling of complex oil and gas deposits in
connection with the exploration and development
of oil fields in Western Siberia), Shadrinsk:
Shadrinskiy dom pechati Publ., 2010, 80 p.
5. Popov I.P., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry,
1995, no. 9, pp. 21-23.
6. Tomilov A.A., Popov I.P., Estestvennye i
tekhnicheskie nauki, 2012, no.6 (62), pp. 243-247.

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A.S. Ushakova (Zarubezhneft JSC, RF, Moscow)
The modeling of crude oil oxidation for in-situ combustion process by differential scanning calorimetró experiments


Key words: in situ combustion, differential scanning calorimetry, Arrhenius equation, upscaling.

In the present work crude oil oxidation mechanism due to in-situ combustion EOR technology is investigated. The oxidation kinetics’ data from calorimetric experiments is expressed in terms of the Arrhenius kinetic approach; the reaction parameters are estimated by several independent methods and used for the reaction model formation. The kinetic reaction model, including kinetic parameters approximation to the reservoir pressure is presented. The model is adjusted in accordance with the kinetic experimental curves.

1. Aldushin A.P., Merzhanov A.G., Collected papers “Rasprostranenie
teplovykh voln v geterogennykh sredakh” (Propagation of thermal waves in
heterogeneous environments): edited by Matros Yu.Sh., Novosibirsk: Nauka
Publ., 1988, pp. 9-52.
2. Emanuel' N.M., Denisov E.T., Mayzus Z.K., Tsepnye reaktsii okisleniya
uglevodorodov v zhidkoy faze (Chain oxidation of hydrocarbons in the liquid
phase), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1965, 375 p.
3. Gutierrez D., Moore R.G., Mehta S.A. et al., The challenger of predicting
field performance of air injection projects based on laboratory and numerical
modeling, JCPT, 2009, V. 48, no. 4, pp. 23-34.
4. Bae J.H., Characterisation of crude oil for fireflooding using thermal analysis
methods, SPE 211-217, 1977.
5. Vyazovkin S., Wight Charles A., Model-free and model-fitting approaches
to kinetic analysis of isothermal and nonisotermal data, Elsevier Thermochimica
Acta 340342, 1999, pp. 53-68.
6. Burger J., Sahuquet B., Chemical aspects of in-situ combustion. Heat of
combustion and kinetics, SPE Journal, 1972, no. 12, pp. 410-422.  

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S.G. Volpin, D.A. Kornaeva, A.R. Saitgareev (VNIIneft OAO, RF, Moscow), N.N. Smirnov , M.N. Kravchenko (Lomonosov Moscow State University, RF, Moscow), N.N. Dieva (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow)
Application prospects of wave technology of thermal-gas-chemical formation treatment for oil recovery enhancement


Key words: innovative technology, wave methods, numerical reservoir simulation.

The stimulation technology of hydrocarbon raw production by high pressure impulses is really urgent nowadays. This is due to the fact that a large amount of deposits which are projected for field development are complex systems - fractured reservoirs complicated by presence of clay inclusions. Besides, the formations are often characterized by weak flowability. For example, the vast layers of the Bagenov deposit are very perspective, but too difficult for development because of low permeability of collector and high content of kerogen and shale deposits. The explosion impact technique is considered nowadays as the most perspective direction in field development of hard extractable hydrocarbon raw. The purpose of the present work is the numerical analysis of inleak stimulation by high pressure waves to fractured well. The computer estimation of safety using this shock action method is spent for data of real well that have been simulated by hydraulic fracturing techniques. The stimulation method by high pressure wave can be used as an independent stimulation method for low-permeability reservoirs of heavy hydrocarbons and as of additional stimulation method for reservoirs in which have already been applied another technologies such as fracturing. The simulation results of wave processing were used for real deposits forecasting.
1. Dyblenko V.P., Volnovye metody vozdeystviya na neftyanye plasty s trudnoizvlekaemymi zapasami.
Obzor i klassifikatsiya (Wave methods of influence on oil layers with hard-to-recover reserves. Review and
classification), Moscow: Publ. of OAO “VNIIOENG”, 2008, 80 p.
2. Duvanov A.M. et al., Metody intensifikatsii pritokov v neftyanykh i gazovykh skvazhinakh s pomoshch'yu energii vzryva i goreniya vzryvchatykh veshchestv (Stimulation methods in oil and gas wells using the energy
of the explosion and burning of explosives), Moscow: Publ. of VIEMS, 1990, pp. 6 - 25.
3. Smirnov N.N., Nikitin V.F., Maximenko A. et al., Instability and mixing flux in frontal displacement of viscous
fluids from porous media, Physics of Fluids, 2005, V. 17, pp. 84-102.
4. Pestrikov A.V., Basharov A.R., Kravchenko M.N., Vestnik Udmurtskogo universiteta, 2009, no. 4, pp. 107-117.
5. Vol'pin S.G., Dieva N.N., Kravchenko M.N., Proceedings of OAO “VNIIneft'”, 2010, V. 143, pp. 78 – 85.
6. Smirnov N., Dushin V., Nikitin V., Philippov Y., Two phase flows in porous media under microgravity conditions,
Microgravity Science and Tecnology, 2008, September, V. 20, N3-4, pp. 155-160.
7. Savchenko A.V., Proceedings of FTPRPI, 2006, no. 3, pp. 63 – 75.
8. Bourdet D. et al., A new set of type curves simplifies well test analysis, World Oil, 1983, May, pp. 95–106.

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D.A. Martyushev, V.A. Mordvinov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)
Productivity of wells at oil and gas field while reducing the bottomhole and formation pressure


Key words: productivity factor, seam pressure, formation pressure, deformations, gas content.

The article regards the features of the wells productivity coefficient changing with a decrease in formation and downhole pressures by the example of Magovskoye deposit (to T-fm). The authors made the calculations and created maps of changes of natural fractures openness in the reservoir areas drained by individual wells.

1. Gimatudinov Sh.K., Fizika neftyanogo i gazovogo plasta (Physics of
oil and gas reservoir), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1971, 312 p.
2. Mordvinov V.A., Poplygin V.V., Chalov S.V., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo –
Oil Industry, 2010, no. 8, pp. 104-106.
3. Mordvinov V.A., Poplygin V.V., Erofeev A.A., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo –
Oil Industry, 2012, no. 10, pp. 102-103.
4. Martyushev D.A., Chumakov G.N., Neft', Gaz i Biznes, 2013, no. 11,
pp. 46-48.
5. Sonich B.P., Cheremisin N.A., Baturin Yu.E., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo –
Oil Industry, 1997, no. 9, pp. 52-57.
6. Kashnikov Yu.A., Ashikhmin S.G., Nazarov A.Yu. et al., Geologiya,
geofizika i razrabotka neftyanykh i gazovykh mestorozhdeniy, 2007,
no. 1, pp. 41-50.
7. Cherepanov S.S., Martyushev D.A., Ponomareva I.N., Neftyanoe
khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2013, no. 3, pp. 62-65.
8. Kotyakhov F.I., Fizika neftyanykh i gazovykh kollektorov (Physics of oil
and gas reservoirs), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1977, 287 p.
9. Martyushev D.A., Chumakov G.N., Neft', Gaz i Biznes, 2013, no. 11, pp. 46-48. 

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N.G. Ibragimov, R.G. Zabbarov, A.M. Daminov, R.A. Kozikhin (Tatneft OAO, RF, Almetyevsk)
Analysis of factors influencing the efficiency of hydrochloric acid treatments


Key words: large-volume acid treatments, injection rate, reservoir coverage, estimation of incremental oil rate.

The primary method applied in Tatneft OAO to stimulate oil production from carbonate reservoirs is based on hydrochloric acid injection. Therefore, efficiency of hydrochloric acid treatments was analyzed depending on specific acid volumes and injection rates. In the course of the analysis, acid treatments were classified according to specific injection volumes, and a separate group of large-volume acid treatments was singled out. Acid penetration depth was estimated using a simple numerical model of acidizing process in carbonate reservoirs. 

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A.N. Parfyonov, À.Å. Letichevskiy (Samaraneftegaz JSC, RF, Samara), Î.V. Evseyev (RN-UfaNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), S.S. Sitdikov, I.V. Sudeyev (Rosneft Oil Company OJSC, RF, Moscow)
Fracturing of high viscosity oil reservoir in the Samara region


Key words: hydraulic fracturing, high viscosity oil, rock mechanics, laboratory investigations, forced fracture closing, proppant, well efficiency, coiled tubing.

This article summarizes the experience that was obtained in hydraulic fracturing of high viscosity oil reservoir in the Samara region. As a result of fracturing operations conducted there was wells productivity multiplication. During operations preparation the analysis of world experience of similar reservoirs stimulation works was hold and fracturing technology was offered taking into account the Samara region geological features. Except the fracturing technology modification this article touches upon the wells production testing after stimulation. Also the results of laboratory testing of the core mechanical properties and proppant pack retained conductivity are analyzed.
1. Wedman M.L., Lynch K.W., Spearman J.W., Hydraulic fracturing for sand control in unconsolidated heavy-oil reservoirs, SPE 54628, 1999.
2. Fan Y., White D.E., Aimar A., Satyagraha M.T., Frac/pack modelling for high-permeability viscous oil reservoirs of the Duri field, Indonesia, SPE 72995, 2001.
3. Britt L.K., Dunn-Norman S., Smith M.B. et al., Characterization of a shallow horizontal fracturing treatment in Western Missouri, SPE 102342, 2006.
4. Parfenov A.N., Sitdikov S.S. et al., SPE 115556, 2008.
5. Parfenov A.N., Shashel' V.A., Sitdikov S.S., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2007, no. 11, pp. 12-15.

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Z.S. Idiyatullina, A.I. Arzamastsev, E.N. Muzovatkina (TatNIPIneft, RF, Bugulma)
Application of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing to enhance low-permeability carbonate reservoir performance


Key words: oil field, reservoir, oil production rate, oil accumulation, horizontal well, hydraulic fracturing.

Carbonate reservoir performance can be improved through an optimum program of production enhancement operations based on screening criteria considering specific reservoir conditions of sel ected fields. One of the most efficient ways to maintain commercial oil production fr om poor quality reservoirs is drilling of multilateral horizontal wells and application of hydraulic fracturing or acid fracturing techniques.

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V.A. Dolgushin, S.L. Golofast, G.P. Zozulya (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, RF, Tyumen)
The development of selective waterproof liquid composition for proppant transport


Key words: fracturing, water isolation, fracturing fluid, selective waterproofing composition, viscosity, processing of the results.

The article describes the development of fracturing fluid with selective water shutoff properties. Presented liquid formulation developed with the required rheological properties, which will allow the use of hydraulic fracturing in wells with close aquifers and decrease the risk of high water cut after fracturing.

1. Ignat'ev M., Neftegazovaya vertikal' – Oil and Gas Vertical, 2003, no. 15,
pp. 36-43.
2. Adler Yu.P., Markova E.V., Granovskiy Yu.V., Planirovanie eksperimenta pri
poiske optimal'nykh usloviy (Planning experiment in finding the optimal conditions), Moscow: Nauka Publ., 1976, 278 p. 

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V.A. Mashorin (NAC AKI-OTYR OJSC, RF, Khanty-Mansiysk), O.V. Fominykh (Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, RF, Tyumen), O.A.Zharova (Yugra State University, RF, Khanty-Mansiysk)
Study of the well killing fluid influence on the reservoirs permeability at Verkhne-Shampinskoye field


Key words: salinity, permeability, core, injection water, water compatibility, reservoir pressure maintenance.

It is known that for well killing saline specified predominantly.However, in some cases, with little repression there is a penetration of liquid into the reservoir which in turn causes a change in permeability in consequence of the interaction of the solution with formation water. In this regard, the article presents the results of research of the changes in the permeability of core samples at Verkhne-Shampinskoye field.

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Technics and technology of oil recovery

B.A. Suleymanov , F.S. Ismaylov, E.F. Veliyev (Oil and Gas Research and Design Institute, SOCAR, the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku)
On the metal particles effect on the strength of polymer gels based on carboxymethyl cellulose, applying at oil recovery


Key words: gel strength, kinetic mechanism , nanoparticles, inflection point .

Light metal nanoparticle additives effect on the strength of polymer gels, applying in oil recovery, is considered in this paper. As a result of executed studies the effect of increasing the gel system strength by 65 % at the addition of nanoparticles is found. The kinetic mechanism of the nanofiller effect on the gel formation process is presented and justified. It is shown, that the addition of the nanoparticles significantly alters the process of gelation and the gel system strength. Nanofiller application allows significantly to reduce polymer consumption and make cheaper obtained systems.

1. Smith E., The Transition Pressure: A quick method for quantifying polyacrylamide gel strength, SPE 18739, 1989.
2. Batycky J., Maini B.B., Milosz G., A study of the application of polymeric gels
in porous media, SPE 10620, 1982.
3. Copyright certificate no. 1472641 SSSR, Geleobrazuyushchiy sostav (Gel
forming composition), Authors: Mironenko O.N., Lyshko G.N., Mar'enko T.P.
4. Copyright certificate no. 1716766 SSSR, Geleobrazuyushchiy tamponazhnyy
sostav (Gel forming plugging composition), Authors: Abramov Yu.D., Osipov
S.N., Ostryanskaya G.M., Rapskevich A.V., Makarov V.N.
5. Averko–Antonovich I.Yu., Bikmullin R.T., Metody issledovaniya struktury i
svoystv polimerov (Methods for studying the structure and properties of polymers),
Kazan': Publ. Of KGTU, 2002, p. 604.
6. Meister J., Bulk gel strength tester, SPE 13567, 1985.
7. Romeo-Zeron L., Characterization of crosslinked gel kinetics and gel
strength by use of NMR, SPE 86548-PA, SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, 2008, V. 11, no. 3.
8. Norisuye T., Strybulevych A., Scanlon M., Page J., Ultrasonic investigation of
the gelation process of poly (acrylamide) gels, Macromolecular Symposia,
2006, V. 242, no. 1, pp. 208–215.
9. Chzhu D.P., Burenie i neft', 2009, no. 3.
10. Moon P.E.J., Wang S., Acoustic method for determining the static gel
strength of slurries, SPE 55650, 1999.
10. Patent no. 5992223 US, Acoustic method for determining the static gel
strength of a cement slurry, Inventors: Sabins F.L., V. Maki; assignee Chandler
Engineering Company LLC., no. 08/947.691; filed 09.10.97; publ. 30.11.99.
12. Tret'yakov Yu.D., Putlyaev V.I., Proceedings of International Conference
“Metrologiya i standartizatsiya v nanotekhnologiyakh i nanoindustrii. Nanomaterialy”
(Metrology and standardization in nanotechnology and nano-industry.
Nanomaterials), Moscow: Publ. of Rossiyskaya korporatsiya nanotekhnologiy,
2008, p. 48.
13. Hanemann T., Szabó D.V., Polymer-nanoparticle composites: From synthesis
to modern applications, Materials, 2010, V. 3, no. 6, pp. 3468-3517.
14. Gerard J.F., Fillers and filled polymers, V. 169, Weinheim: Wiley-VCH, 2001.
15. Mamunya Ye.P., Davydenko V.V., Pissis P., Lebedev E.V., Electrical and thermal conductivity of polymers filled with metal powders, European Polymer
Journal, 2002, V. 38, pp. 1887–1897.
16. Stauer D., Aharony A., Introduction to percolation theory, London: Taylor
& Francis, 1994.
17. Adler J., Bootstrap percolation, Physica A., 1991, V.171, p. 453. 

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The oil-field equipment

K.R. Urazakov, R.N. Bakhtizin , S.F. Ismagilov (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Ufa) , A.S. Topolnikov (R.R. Mavlyutov Institute of Mechanics, Ufa Scientific Centre of RAS, RF, Ufa)
Theoretical dynamometer card calculation taking into account complications in the sucker rod pump operation


Key words: dynamometer card, sucker rod pump, dynamic load, valve leakage.

A mathematical model of joint motion of the sucker rod string and plunger in the cylinder at gas-water-oil mixture pumping fr om the deviating hole taking into account complications in the sucker rod pump operation: valve leakage, gas and emulsions effect, improper fit of the plunger in the cylinder. The behavior of dynamic loads on the polished rod at deviations from normal operation of sucker rod pump is predicted with the help of the proposed model. Calculated dynamometer cards are compared with the field measurements.
1. Aliev T.M., Ter-Khachaturov A.A., Avtomaticheskiy kontrol' i diagnostika
skvazhinnykh shtangovykh nasosnykh ustanovok (Automatic monitoring
and diagnosis of downhole sucker rod pumping), Moscow: Nedra Publ.,
1988, 130 p.
2. Takhautdinov Sh.F., Farkhullin R.G., Muslimov R.Kh. et al., Obrabotka prakticheskikh dinamogramm na PEVM (Processing of practical dynamometer
cards on PC), Kazan': Novoe znanie Publ., 1976, 76 p.
3. Gibbs S.G., Predicting the behavior of sucker rod pumping systems, JRT,
1963, V. 7, pp. 769-778.
4. Gibbs S.G., Neely A.B., Computer diagnosis of down-hole conditions in
sucker rod pumping wells, JPT, 1966, V.1, pp. 93-98.
5. Virnovskiy A.S., Teoriya i praktika glubinnonasosnoy dobychi nefti (Theory
and practice of bottomhole pumping), Moscow: Nedra Publ., 1971, 184 p.
6. Handbook of Oil Production / K.R. Urazakov, S.E. Zdolnik, M.M. Nagumanov
et al., SPt. Nedra, 2012, 672 p.
7. Urazakov K.R., Dmitriev V.V., Agamalov G.B., Proceedings of 3rd International
Conference and Exhibition “Mekhanizirovannaya dobycha 2006” (Artificial
Lift 2006), Moscow, 29-31 March 2006.
8. Sedov L.I., Mekhanika sploshnoy sredy (Continuum Mechanics), Part 2,
St. Petersburg: Lan' Publ., 2004, 560 p.
9. Urazakov K.R., Molchanova V.A., Topolnikov A.S., Interval, 2007, no. 6 (101), pp. 54-60.
10. Patankar S., Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow, Hemisphere Publishing
Corporation, New York, 1980. 197 p.
11. Hairer E.; Nørsett S.P., Wanner G., Solving ordinary differential equations I:
Nonstiff problems, Springer London, Lim ited, 1987, 528 p.

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A.I. Kayashev (Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, RF, Sterlitamak), A.A. Emekeev, A.M. Ziatdinov (Almetyevsk State Oil Institute, RF, Almetyevsk),
Analysis of automation electric drive schemes of pumping station


Key words: modeling, automation system, electric drive, frequency converter, AC motor.

In this article the automation system, including low-voltage frequency converter, step-up and step-down transformers, sine-wave filter on the output of the frequency converter and the smoothing mains reactor to control the high-voltage induction motor is examined. A mathematical model of the automation system is developed on the basis of the differential equations system (SDE). Program model of the automation system is developed for the study of transient processes.


1. Frayshteter V.P., Nissenbaum I.A., Veliev M.K., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil
Industry, 2013, no. 3. – C. 86–88.
2. Murashkin S.I., Vestnik Krasnoyarskogo gosudarstvennogo agrarnogo universiteta, 2012, no. 9, pp. 189–196.
3. Fattakhov R.B., Sobolev S.A., Tronov V.P., Neftyanoe khozyaystvo – Oil Industry, 2012, no. 3, pp. 83–86.
4. Braslavskiy I.Ya., Braslavskiy I.Ya., Z.Sh. Ishmatov, Polyakov V.N., Energosberegayushchiy asinkhronnyy elektroprivod (Energy saving asynchronous electric drive), Moscow: Akademiya Publ., 2004, 256 p.
5. Kozhukar' G.N., Yagubov Z.Kh., Ivanov B.A., Gazovaya promyshlennost' –
GAS Industry of Russia, 2012, no. 10, pp. 35-37.
6. Ziatdinov A.M., Uchenye zapiski Al'met'evskogo gosudarstvennogo
neftyanogo instituta, 2013, V. XI, no. 1, pp. 216-219.
7. Ziatdinov A.M., Nauchnaya sessiya uchenykh Al'met'evskogo gosudarstvennogo
neftyanogo instituta (Scientific session of scientists of Almetyevsk
State Petroleum Institute), 2013, V. 1, no. 1, pp. 251-256.
8. Shreyner R.T., Matematicheskoe modelirovanie elektroprivodov peremennogo
toka s poluprovodnikovymi preobrazovatelyami chastoty (Mathematical
modeling of AC drives with solid state frequency converters), Ekaterinburg:
Publ. of UB RAS, 2000, 654 p.
9. Nurbosynov D.N., Ziatdinov A.M., Uchenye zapiski Al'met'evskogo gosudarstvennogo neftyanogo instituta, 2012, V. X, no. 1, pp. 226-230.
10. Ziatdinov A.M., Nurbosynov D.N., Tabachnikova T.V., Gazovaya promyshlennost' – GAS Industry of Russia, 2013, no. S692, pp. 76-78.

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Rational use of oil gas

O.A. Zueva, N.L. Bachev, R.V. Bulbovich, A.M. Kleschevnikov (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)
Development of a gas turbine plant for associated petroleum gas utilization gathering electrical and thermal energy at marginal fields


Key words: associated petroleum gas (APG), gas turbine unit, multi-zone combustion chamber, sustained combustibility, corrosion-active sulfur-containing surroundings.

The article is devoted to questions of APG recycling (wet, gray content and condensate content) in power plants with generation of electricity and thermal energy at marginal fields. To arrange a stable combustion of APG unstable composition and low caloric, on the one hand, and providing a predetermined level of non-uniformity of the temperature field of gas turbine inlet, on the other hand, multizone combustion chamber is developed with the combustion zone and the dilution zones. Settings are defined of single-shaft reducer gas turbine, using low-speed electric generator, which produces electric power 200 kW with consumer characteristics. It was defined regime, geometrical and thermal characteristics of a multi-zone combustion chamber. We carried out thermochemical and thermodynamic calculations to determine the parameters and composition of the working fluid to drive the turbine. Recommendations on the use of heat-resistant and heat-resistant alloys for the manufacture of structural elements of the "hot" path gas turbine. The data obtained can be used in the development of recycling facilities at marginal fields.
1. Rybakov B.A., Burov V.D., Rybakov D.B., Trushin K.S., Turbiny i dizeli – Turbines & Diesels Magazine, 2008, no. 3, pp. 2 – 11.
2. Sivukhin D.V., Obshchiy kurs fiziki. Termodinamika i molekulyarnaya fizika
(General course of physics. Thermodynamics and Molecular Physics),
Moscow: Fizmatlit Publ., 2005, 544 p.
3. Zueva O.A., Bul'bovich R.V., Bacheva N.Yu., Vestnik PNIPU. Aerokosmicheskaya tekhnika, 2012, no. 32, pp. 81-95.
4. Vorob'eva G.Ya., Korrozionnaya stoykost' materialov v agressivnykh
sredakh khimicheskikh proizvodstv (The corrosion resistance of materials in
corrosive environments of chemical production), Moscow: Khimiya Publ.,
1975, 816 p.
5. Sorokin V. G., Volosnikova A.V., Vyatkin S.A., Marochnik staley i splavov
(Database of steels and alloys), Moscow: Mashinostroenie Publ., 1989, 640 p.
6. Mingazov B.G., Kamery sgoraniya gazoturbinnykh ustanovok (Combustion
chambers of gas turbines), Kazan': Publ. of Kazan State Technical University,
2006, 220 p.
7. Sudarev A.V., Antonovskiy V.I., Kamery sgoraniya gazoturbinnykh ustanovok.
Teploobmen (Combustion chambers of gas turbines. Heat exchange),
Leningrad: Mashinostroenie Publ., 1985, 272 p.

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Transport and oil preparation

B.A. Erka, PhD, D.V. Polyanskiy (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)
Selection of oil-and-gas pipelines heat-insulation for the Far North regions


Key words: oil products pipeline transportation, pipelines heat-insulation, electrical heating of pipelines, and engineering.

The article presents a comparative evaluation of various types of oil-and-gas pipelines heat-insulation for the Far North regions. It their shows a complex comparison based on the example of gathering line systems extended for 43 km.  

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Pipeline transport of oil

V.S. Didenko, A.V. Nikolaev (Giprovostokneft OJSC, RF, Samara)
Study of asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits inhibitors and their effect on oil flow characteristics based on new methodic approach


Key words: asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) inhibitor, depressor, methodology, pipeline, efficiency

The article describes experience in application of methodic approaches for asphaltene-resin-paraffin deposits (ARPD) inhibitors and depressor additives (developed in Giprovostokneft OJSC) efficiency study, considering process conditions of oil field and pipeline transportation facilities’ functioning, when handling specific oil. Application of ARPD inhibitors and depressors is associated with necessity to prevent ARPD forming in oil field and pipeline systems, to improve oil’s transportable properties, to increase safe period of shutdown pipelines’ down-time and to reduce start-up pressure, when transportation is re-started. Studies are described by the example of Suzunskoye field’s oil. As the result, the selected chemical combined ARPD-inhibiting and depressor properties. Application range for these results is high-viscous and high-setting oil production, gathering and transportation facilities in order to enhance efficiency of their functioning. Use of our results supports frequency of paraffin cutting at equipment reducing by 3-4, deposits are weak and can be easily removed, fluid resistance in pipelines is reduced and cost of fluid transportation, pipeline safe shutdown time is increased and start-up pressure is reduced, when transportation is re-started, reliability and safety of all oil field and pipeline system is enhanced.

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O.Yu. Erenkov, L.C. Grinkur, M.V. Radchenko (Sholem Aleichem Amur River Region State University, RF, Birobidzhan), E.Z. Yagubov (Ukhta State University, RF, Ukhta)
Increasing the strength properties of fiberglass based on the provisional electrophysical processing polymeric binder


Key words: fiberglass plastic, plastic binder, over molecular structure, nanosecond electromagnetic pulses, electromagnetic field, strength.

The article describes the new method of forming of high strengthdetail fromplastic binder anddesign of experimental apparatus. Results of experimental researches of over molecular plastic binder structure by means of REM and IRS methods and results of strength researches are presented.

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