Basin modeling tasks at different stages of geological exploration

Authors: V.Yu. Kerimov, R.N. Mustaev (Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas, RF, Moscow), B.V. Senin (Soyuzmorgeo OJSC, RF, Gelendzhik), E.A. Lavrenova (Research and Development Centre ASAP, RF, Gelendzhik)

Key words: basin modeling, prospecting surveys, stages, generation-accumulation hydrocarbon system, technological cycle.

Article is devoted to the use of basin modeling, which is increasingly used in conducting geological exploration for oil and gas in Russia. Basin modeling should be performed in all stages of exploration work, with each stage of this work correspond to their tasks. Regional stage comprises the steps of prediction and evaluation of oil and gas bearing zones of oil and gas. On search and evaluation stage become objects of study areas with established or possible oil and gas content, as well as prepared traps and open fields. The exploration stage studies industrial fields, clarifies their structure and reserves. Effective geological exploration process is a process cycle where the economy plays an important role - assessment of profitability of the whole project.
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