Prospects for processing of asphaltene, resin and paraffine wastes

Authors: Ya.I. Vaysman, V.N. Korotaev, Yu.V. Kulikova, N.N. Slyusar, T.G. Filkin (Perm National Research Polytechnic University, RF, Perm)

Key words: deposits of asphaltenes, resins, and paraffins; asphaltene, resin and paraffine wastes (ARPW); disposal of ARPW; oil slurry treatment.

Study is devoted to the analysis the ways of asphaltene, resin and paraffine wastes (ARPW) disposal. It is shown that there are two main approaches to the disposal of ARPW – their neutralization and recycling. Neutralization of ARPW (which is usually performed by the means of biotechnologies or thermal treatment of waste) is less preferred since valuable hydrocarbon component of ARPW, which could be used as a secondary raw material, is lost during this approach. It was found that there is a number of technologies for processing ARPW, allowing the use of their resource potential, the most promising of which include: production of bitumen , waterproofing coatings, lubricants, fuel briquettes, liquid fuels, technical deasphalted oils and waxes, as well as the use of ARPW in the function of the co-fuel.

The algorithm of study and choice of processing technology to produce ARPW commercial products, including a number of interrelated steps, was created. The algorithm was tested on a sample of one of oil producing companies in the Perm region.

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