Component-wise gel injection technology for EOR

Authors: I.V. Kuvshinov, V.A. Kuvshinov, L.K. Altunina (Institute of Petroleum Chemistry, Siberian Branch of RAS, RF, Tomsk)

Key words: improved oil recovery, technologies, gels, computer modeling, fluid dispersion, filtration in porous media, component-wise injection.

This work presents the results of computer modeling, laboratory research and field tests of component-wise gel injection technology for EOR. Now standard methods of gel injection imply using of homogeneous gel-forming composition, with component mixing on a surface just before injection, or even earlier, at a stage of chemicals production. It is not always acceptable, because the gelation process can start inside or near the wellbore, e.g. in a hot steam injection well, but the technology requires the formation of a gel shield at a certain distance from the well. Component-wise injection technology is based on fluid dispersion during filtration through a porous media, when the solutions of each reagent are sequentially injected into the well, and their mixing occurs due to dispersion at a certain distance from wellbore. The computer model of the component-wise injection process, which enables to estimate the required volumes of reagent and their mixing conditions in situ, is presented. Modeling results for different laboratory experiments and injection schemes for field tests are shown.

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