On the source of oil generation in Pashiysky horizon of Romashkinskoye oil field

Authors: I.N. Plotnikova, N.V. Pronin, F.F. Nosova (Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, RF, Kazan)
E-mail: irena-2005@rambler.ru, nikita.oilgeol@mail.ru,
Key words: Romashkinskoye oil field, biomarkers, geochemical
investigation, organic matter, the generation of hydrocarbons.
Article related study of the source of oil generation Pashiysky horizon.
Pashiysky horizon - it is the main development object of Romashkinskoye oil
field. Based on the results of geochemical studies of oil from Pashiysky horizon
and dispersed organic matter from Semiluki horizon, it was concluded that
source of oil from Pashiysky horizon not related with oil source organic matter
in Semiluki horizon. 
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