Possibilities of calculating uncompacted sediment thickness by core and logs based on the case study of the Verkhnetyumenskaya subsuite deposits

Authors: А.I. Kudamanov, O.S. Generalenko, O.А. Khokhrina (TNNC LLC, RF, Tyumen)

Key words: sillicioclastic sediment, compaction, fine-grained deposits, reconstruction, paleorelief, sedimentation.

In reconstructing the paleorelief in the sedimentary section one can come to erroneous conclusions and incorrect predictions of reservoir and seal bodies distribution without accounting for sharply varying degree of compaction of shale (in 3-4 times) and sand (only by 15-20%) sediments. The paper presents some methods and results of conversion of present-day thickness into uncompacted thickness (as of the time of sedimentation) by core and logs (SP log) based on the case study of the Verkhnetyumenskaya subsuite in the south-west of Western Siberia.


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