Balance of the work of Russia oil industry in 2011

Authors: A.E. Kontorovich, L.V. Eder, V.Yu. Nemov (A.A. Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of RAS)

Key words: oil industry, recovery, processing, export, petroleum products.

The results of the operation of oil and gas industry in Russia in 2011 are considered. Analysis of Russia's role in the global oil supply system is carried out. The data on oil production in Russia with the differentiation by the regions and companies are given. The main parameters characterizing the work of Russia oil refining industry are considered. The evaluation of the structure and dynamics of exports of crude oil and petroleum products is executed.


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3. Statistika (Statistics), Razvedka i dobycha, 2005-2012, no. 1.

4. International Energy Annual 2012, Energy Information Administration, Office of Energy Markets and End Use, Washington, 2012 .

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7. Tamozhennaya statistika vneshney torgovli (Customs statistics of foreign trade), 2000–2012.

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