Experience of thermal-mining development of Yaregskoye heavy oil field

Authors: Yu.P. Konoplyov (PechorNIPIneft Branch of LUKOIL - Engineering LLC in Ukhta, RF, Ukhta)

Key words: Yaregskoye field, heavy oil, thermal-mining development, development systems, improvement of thermal-mining technology, oil recovery factor.

The experience of thermal-mining development of Yaregskoye field is considered. It is shown that improvement of such a development system allows significantly to reduce heavy oil recovery costs and to bring them to the production level of light oil in the future. It is noted that mining way of oil recovery can be applied at the light oil fields with the exhausted reservoir energy and a low gas-oil ratio.


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3. Patent 2114289 RF. Sposob razrabotki mestorozhdeniya vysokovyazkoy nefti (Method of developing high viscosity oil fields), autors: Tyun'kin B.A., Bukreev V.M., Grutskiy L.G., Konoplev Yu.P., Pranovich A.A.

4. Patent 2199657 RF. Podzemno-poverkhnostnyy sposob razrabotki mestorozhdeniya vysokovyazkoy nefti (Underground and superficial way to develop high viscosity oil fields), autors: Konoplev Yu.P., Tyun'kin B.A., Grutskiy L.G., Pitirimov V.V., Pranovich A.A.

5. Patent 2267604 RF. Sposob shakhtnoy razrabotki mestorozhdeniya vysokovyazkoy nefti (Method of mining development high viscosity oil), autors: Bokserman A.A., Konoplev Yu.P., Pranovich A.A., Antoniadi D.G., Grutskiy L.G.

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