Well design with application of integral casing connections

UDK: 622.24
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-3-42-45
Key words: well design, casing, thread connection, integral threaded connections
Authors: S.A. Yakunin (TMK PJSC, RF, Moscow), A.R. Agishev (TMK PJSC, RF, Moscow), A.R. Nurgaleev (TMK PJSC, RF, Moscow), B.F. Kuzichev (TMK PJSC, RF, Moscow), A.S. Susoev (SamaraNIPIneft LLC, RF, Samara)

Development of oil and gas fields with hard-to-recover reserves often requires the use of multi-casing design. The use of standard coupling casing strings in such wells leads to significant metal consumption, increased consumption of associated materials (drilling mud, cement slurry, etc.) and the use of heavy-duty drilling rigs. One of the options to reduce investment costs for drilling is construction of wells using integral casing connections. Realization of well construction with integral casings is possible due to application of threaded connections TMK UP MOMENTUM FL and TMK UP MOMENTUM SFL. TMK UP MOMENTUM FL is a flush high-torque gas-tight connection with tensile and compression efficiency of 60% of the pipe body. TMK UP MOMENTUM SFL is a high-tension, high torque, semi-flush connection with tensile and compression efficiency of up to 90% of the pipe body. In this article on the example of a typical well in the Volga economic region it is demonstrated that the use of pipes with integral threaded connections allows to reduce the metal consumption of the well and the total amount of drilling and cement mud. Reduction of metal consumption relative to the base variant amounted to 10.7%. Reduction of total requirement of drilling mud of 30% and cementing mud of 51% relative to the basic variant with coupled connections. Increase of profitability of field development consists not only in new methods of oil recovery enhancement, but also in search of methods reducing investment costs for well construction. It is shown that one of the options to reduce investment costs for drilling is construction of wells using integral connections.


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