Registration and conversion of hydrocarbon reserves to B1 and C1 categories based on the results of modern wireline formation tester investigations

UDK: 553.98.048
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-3-30-34
Key words: hydrocarbon reserves calculation, wireline formation testing, C1 and B1 reserves categories
Authors: E.V. Aleynikov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), V.Yu. Pavlov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), T.N. Smagina (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), E.A. Lukyanov (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), K.F. Miropoltsev (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen), E.A. Zarai (Tyumen Petroleum Research Center LLC, RF, Tyumen)

The hydrocarbon reserves calculation is the basis for planning of field development. Nowadays, such data as initial reservoir pressure, oil/gas/water contact definition, formation fluid properties, initial production rate and some other parameters needed for hydrocarbon reserves calculation can be obtained during cased hole testing. This requires fair amount of materials and lots of time. Certain well tests can extend up to a year or more, and are fraught with high costs. The wireline formation test has long been applied in exploration worldwide. During the wireline formation test the operator can receive real-time geological information, which is also required for hydrocarbon reserves estimation and conversion to B1 and C1 reserve categories. The efficiency of this method allows taking measurements with high density over a short time. As a result, geological data obtained by this method is more detailed and informative than that produced from the cased hole test. The time duration of well test program can be significantly reduced. Cost and time saving can be beneficial for exploration in remote regions where logistics and drilling team support issues can become particularly sensitive. It can also speed up decision-making on additional exploration in the fields under development. However, the wireline formation test cannot substitute the casing well test; this data cannot be self-sufficient for hydrocarbon reserves calculation in common practice. Yet, the regulation for acquiring and applying this data can allow the common practice to be changed and full-scale application of wireline formation test data in the context of reserves categorization.


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