The perspectives of using natural phenomena for the construction of production facilities

UDK: 622.276.012:69(211)
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-1-65-69
Key words: nature-like technologies, construction, wind impact, lithodynamic processes, ecosystem equilibrium
Authors: V.A. Pavlov (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), D.G. Didichin (Rosneft Oil Company, RF, Moscow), M.L. Boldyrev (Arctic Research Centre, RF, Moscow), P.A. Tarasov (Arctic Research Centre, RF, Moscow), S.V. Litovchenko (RN-Yuganskneftegas LLC, RF, Nefteyugansk), Yu.S. Zakharevich (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk), V.A. Kolmogorova (TomskNIPIneft JSC, RF, Tomsk)

Over the last decades, humankind has been searching for new ways to improve the effectiveness of civilization. Firstly, the research and production community is learning to adopt ideas from nature for new technological solutions that allow improving efficiency of current production processes. Secondly, it is increasingly trying to manage natural phenomena in balanced manner.. The Presidential Decree "On the development of nature-like technologies in the Russian Federation" provides a substantial push towards this field. For the first time the various issues surrounding the comprehension and replication of natural systems, as well as their efficient management – mainly pertaining to energy systems – are presented as one, unified approach. Under the direction of nature-like technologies, first of all, one understands the task of studying and reproducing individual samples of living nature. This paper proposes to broaden the range of subjects studied to include macrosystems - components of an ecotope. This would address the specific need for efficient management of the existing ecotope or for replicating natural phenomena in order to achieve a desired outcome. One possible directional outcome of applying natural phenomena is a decrease in the expenses related to constructing and maintaining objects and production facilities. In this context, the paper considers examples of controlling the following natural phenomena: wind effects, hydrological processes, including lithodynamics, control of permafrost. The paper also considers examples of application of various microbiological technologies in construction. Both examples of directed impact and examples of minimizing negative impacts from the development of undesirable phenomena are considered. Some of the given examples relate to natural phenomena that have the most significant impact on construction objects during economic activities in the Arctic region.


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