Optimization of economic efficiency assessment when implementing design and technological documents

UDK: 338.45:622.276
DOI: 10.24887/0028-2448-2024-1-12-15
Key words: tax on additional income, mineral extraction tax, license area, field development project
Authors: R.F. Sattarova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa), G.R.Teregulova (RN-BashNIPIneft LLC, RF, Ufa)

The oil industry is sensitive to taxation like no other industry, and all because resource taxes alone account for about 60% of the cost of oil. Over the past 16 years, the tax system of the oil industry has undergone a large number of changes and is still at the reform stage. The implementation of tax reform in the fuel and energy complex was the most important stage in the transformation of Russian legislation. In 2019, a new tax regime appeared - the additional income tax (AIT). In 2021, there was an expansion of the scope of application of AIT. Due to the fact that an increasing number of fields are switching to the AIT, the topic is becoming even more relevant. The main objective of the new tax is to stimulate production and stop providing targeted benefits for the mineral extraction tax (MET), which do not allow taking into account the profitability of production at specific deposits. The article discusses the problems of taxation in the oil and gas industry, provides a description of the current tax regimes, and also presents a solution to the issue of distributing AIT among operating facilities, since today there is no specific method for distributing AIT and this has become a serious challenge for many oil and gas companies that have switched to tax on additional income. In this regard, the authors examined several options for distributing AIT for development objects and found an approach for distributing taxes that allows reducing labor costs, as well as improving technical and economic calculations.


1. Tret’ dokhodov byudzhetnoy sistemy Rossii okazalas’ svyazana s neft’yu i gazom (A third of the revenues of the Russian budget system turned out to be related to oil and gas), URL: https://www.rbc.ru/economics/22/08/2019/5d555e4b9a7947aed7a185de

2. Nalogovyy kodeks Rossiyskoy Federatsii (chast’ vtoraya). N 117-FZ ot 05.08.2000 (Tax Code of the Russian Federation (part two). N 117-FZ dated 05.08.2000)

3. Nalogi v neftedobyche: Reforma 2020 (Taxes in oil production: Reform 2020), URL: https://vygon-consulting.ru/upload/iblock/0b6/vygon_consulting_tax_reform_2020.pdf

4. Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation No. 356 of June 14, 2016 (as amended by order No. 638 of September 20, 2019) “Ob utverzhdenii pravil razrabotki mestorozhdeniy uglevodorodnogo syr’ya” (On the approval of the rules for the development of hydrocarbon deposits), URL: https://www.consultant.ru/document/cons_doc_LAW_334817/

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